Although fast cards usually deal less damage than cards that require more turns to activate, they begin doing damage as soon as they are played. There are times that a strategically used fast card can take out a strong slow card before it activates. Consider using a very high health card as the first card played. Although the faster it activates the better, if you keep it available as long as possible and follow up with some good cards, you can get more cards in play than your opponent and take them out easier. You will need to balance the fast cards and slower higher damage and high health cards. After starting with a fast and high health card and a good one or two turn card, form a strategy based on what the opponent is using. If they begin using fast cards, either do the same to keep up with them or play very high health cards that have a chance to activate. If your opponent is using high damage cards or slow cards, play faster cards and attempt to take them out before they can do damage. Always consider using cards with special skills, especially those that cause damage to random enemies, give negative statuses, or increase your cards' attack. |