Trophy | How to unlock | Type
All this power... from a crystal? (secret) | Got the generator working | Silver
Arthur (secret) | Found Arthur | Bronze
Avoided the consequences | Let Dougal take the blame | Bronze
Blind goes up! | Ok, we get it | Silver
But if you turn it this way … | Only placed the orb once | Silver
Dam! | Overcome hurdles at the dam | Silver
Didn't panic | Attacked the swamp monster in less than 5 seconds | Silver
Godspeed Sir Fuzzle Puff | Travelled to Clonfira as Lily | Bronze
I did this all by myself | Make breakfast | Silver
I'm gonna call you Bugsy | Made a new friend | Silver
Involving a certain microwave casserole | Ruined lunch | Bronze
It's dangerous to go alone | Ask for a solution | Bronze
Let go of my hand | Didn't ask for any solutions | Gold
Merrrrrr? | Helped Merr fix a machine and return home | Silver
Never suspected a thing | Took out the informant | Bronze
No way to treat an ancient manuscript | Tried to lose the cavity magnetron | Silver
Not too late | Saved Aidan | Silver
Now, I am alone | Gave Merr what he wanted... sort of | Silver
Phone home | Where did you get that pattern? | Silver
Probably used a walkthrough | Didn't ask for any hints | Gold
Silly doggy | Distracted Dougal once only | Silver
The Little Acre | Unlock all the Trophies in The Little Acre | Platinum
The Little Speedrun | Beat the game in less than 1 hour | Gold
There and back again | Complete The Little Acre | Gold
Welcome to Clonfira | Travelled to Clonfira as Aidan | Bronze
Welcome to The Little Acre | Get dressed without waking Lily | Silver
When in doubt, dance it out | Solved the dance puzzle on your 1st try | Gold
Wibble wobble | Apparently you’re ready for this jelly | Silver