Cheat Codes |
Display the console at any point in the game (during game play or at any screen). Type /sv_cheats 1 then enter /devmap [map name]. The game will load in single-player mode with the current settings of the bot variables, and cheat mode enabled. Enter one of the following console commands to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect | Code
All weapons, amror and ammo | /give all
| Change gravity; default is 800 | /g_gravity [number]
| Change speed; default is 320 | /g_speed [number]
| Flight ability | /give flight
| Quad damage | /give quad damage
| Spawn indicated item | /give [name]
| Toggle God mode | /god
| Note: Enable the /give flight or /give quad damage codes about thirty times to get unlimited flight or quad damage.
Model Commands |
The models of Team Arena have interchangeable heads and bodies. If you'd like Gammy's head on Janet's body, all you have to do is use the Janet model and then type the following:
Note that you must have an asterisk (*) before the head model's name in order for the command to work.
This works similarly to the /model command, except that this will set your model for all team games.
This command is the team game equivalent of the /headmodel command; it will set your preferred head model for all team games.
Server Commands |
This command sets the clan for each team.
Usage: /g_redTeam Pagans
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