Action Replay Codes [German] |
020342C6 Unendlich Leben
041740C6 Riesiger Bonus bei Levelbeendigung
03xx3BC6 Levelskip nach Level 1
Disable Sound |
At the Title screen, hold Left and press Start. |
Kein Sound [German] |
Im Titelbild links halten und START drücken.
Split Qix |
By level 5 you should see two Qix. When this happens you can Split Qix. Capture an area that a Qix is in. You won't get a bonus, but will double the next bonus (instead of 1,000 points per 1% over required %age you will receive 2,000 points per 1% over. Another Split Qix will add 1,000 to the original bonus per % and so on.
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