Achievement | How to unlock
Declaration of Independence (20 points) | Escape the trap at Independence Hall.
Fighting fire with fire (10 points) | Kill 100 KPA using hacked drones.
Flash ah aaaahhh! (20 points) | Successfully resolve 20 Flashpoints.
Gogigui (10 points) | Kill 5 or more KPA with a single Molotov.
Heist of the century (20 points) | Steal a Goliath from the Shipyard.
Hit and run (20 points) | Escape the ambush at Ned's Armoury.
Micro Machine (10 points) | Destroy an armoured car with an RC car bomb.
Red Dawn (20 points) | Enter Elmtree Red Zone.
Silent but Deadly (10 points) | Perform 5 takedowns in a row without being spotted by the KPA.
Surprise! (10 points) | Kill 20 KPA using proximity based GTK items.
Take me out (20 points) | Perform 30 takedowns on KPA snipers.
We Can Be Heroes (20 points) | Incite a revolution at City Hall.
Welcome to the Resistance (10 points) | Join the Philadelphia resistance movement.