Achievement | How to unlock
Aerial Warfare (20 points) | Use 10 airstrikes.
Asteroids (25 points) | Destroy 20 asteroids.
Behind Enemy Lines (100 points) | Kill 40 or more enemies in a single skirmish.
Certified (5 points) | Purchase your first CTC.
Close Quarters Mayhem (40 points) | Eliminate 20 Insurgents using melee combat.
Commanding The Bridge (20 points) | Dock the GCV Starguard with Arkangel station.
Duty and Honor (40 points) | Complete all secondary and optional objectives in the campaign.
Engineering Corps (50 points) | Perform 10 uses of the Repair Kit.
Flawless Execution (25 points) | Complete a mission without taking damage.
Getting Things Done (10 points) | Complete the first 8 missions of the Lyrius Campaign.
Ground Warfare (50 points) | Eliminate 10 Insurgent vehicles during campaign missions.
Heroes End (200 points) | Complete all Lyrius campaign missions on Hard.
Human Clone (50 points) | Perform 25 BIO-HUMAN revives.
Jack of All Trades (50 points) | Unlock all CTCs on a single character.
Ready For Anything (100 points) | Unlock all weapons, CTCs and items on a single character.
Smash 'n Grab (20 points) | Destroy all red crates in a mission. Cannot be completed in tutorial mission.
Sniper Elite (40 points) | Eliminate 100 Insurgents with sniper head shots.
The Life Saver (50 points) | Perform 25 uses of the Medical Kit.
The n00b Run (5 points) | Complete the tutorial mission of the Lyrius campaign.
Vets And Victory (100 points) | Complete all Lyrius campaign missions on Normal.