150 Masterballs |
(You need a masterball for this trick) Put your masterball in sixth place on your item list. Talk to the guy that teaches you how to catch pokemon in viridian city. Fly to cinnabar island and swim on the coast by the gym. When you find missingno , beat him. When you get out of the battle check your item list it should have a zero with a little picture by it. (This trick works with any item) |
150 Rare Candys |
(you will need at least 1 rare candy)place your rare candy in 6th position.Fly to cinnabar island and fight missingno,beat him. NOTE:if the rare candy isnt in 6th position it wont work. |
Always Encounter "missingno" |
While you are surfing back and forth along the right
side of Cinnibar Island. When you encounter a pokemon right when the screen turns all black Hold UP + A and keep holding it if it worked the screen will stay black for a while then it will go to a missingno , if done incorrectly because of bad timing you might encount pokemon over level 100. |
Surft 2 Minuten rechts an der Zinnoberinsel lang, fliegt nach Hause lasst euch heilen. Nun spielt 3 mal die Pokemonliga durch, geht nach Hause und redet den Fernseher an. Wenn ihr den Cheat richtig gemacht habt sagt er: "Man, ist das gruselig". Nun setzt den Zerschneider ein und schon greift Baby Scream an
Ihr braucht ein Glumanda und ein Bisasam auf Level 70. Damit spielt ihr die Pokemon Liga 2 mal durch (Ihr dürft nur die beiden Pokemon mitnehmen). Danach habt ihr ein Bisamanda, eine Mischung aus beiden.(Es ist dann ein Feuer-Pflanzen Pokemon mit 2 zufälligen Attacken von beiden).
Casino [German] |
Jeder möchte die Pokemon bzw. die TM's aus dem Casino. Der Trick ist, immer (nur für die Karten) die Kartenreihen zu nehmen, die noch am wenigsten Karten verbraucht haben
Celadon City Slot Tip |
All of the slot machines have different odds, which change every time. Play each machine 4 times, and if it hits 2 or more, then stick with that one, because it's probably hot. If the slow machine forces you really close to a 777 or Bar Bar Bar it will probably give you one or the other soon. |
CHANGE COLOR (gameboy Color) |
At The beginning when it says GAME BOY Press B->.To Make it all red press |
Cheat |
First, to do this trick you need to know FLY and SURF and have visited Cinnabar Island. step one, in viridiancity near the top talk to the man who taught you how to catch a weedle and watch him catch it again. step two, after he shows you FLY to Cinnabar Island and set the item you want to be duplicated to be the sixth on the list. step three, SURF up and down the East coast just like in the missingno. code. step four, fight either Missingno. or any of the glitched up pokemon, then run away or defeat it. Taa-da! the item sixth on the list will be duplicated more than 100 times! |
Cool Coincidence? Or Something Else? |
I you didn't realize this already, Articuno,Zapdos, and Moltres have spanish numbers in them. The number 1 is in Articuno, which has UNO. Zapdos has #2, which is DOS. Moltres has #3, which is TRES. Pretty cool huh? |
Duplicate Items |
Place the item you want to duplicate in the sixth item slot. Now you are ready to do the code. First, go to Viridian City. Talk to the man who teaches you to catch a Weedle. When he asks you have you are in a hurry, say no. When he is done, fly to Cinnabar Island and use surf to swim snugly on the east coast. Swim up and down as many times you want. Soon, you will have duplicated the item. WARNING: If you run into a Missingno, CATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK! If you do catch it, it may mess up your game. |
Easy Level Gain |
To easily gain experience, simply switch the Pokémon you want to train with the top Pokémon on your list. When you go into battle the Pokémon will pop out. You can then switch to another Pokémon. Once you win the battle the beginning Pokémon and the fighting Pokémon will both gain experience points. |
Easy Mew |
I've found it! Nintendo said there was only one way to get Mew (from them). Said there was no possible way to get it through the game. Well they lied! The cheat about going behind the S.S. Anne and moving a truck on the land surounding it doesn't work (moving the S.S. Anne I don't know about). But this cheat does work (I've tried it). It works for either Red, Blue, or Yellow Version. You first must have never beat the Youngster with the Slowpoke on route 25 (between Nugget Bridge and Bill's Place) and the Gambler in front of the underground passage between Celadon and Lavender. Now, first you go to the entrance of the underground passage leading to Lavender. When your right in front of the door, save, and go down one step and press start immediatly. You must press start and access the menu before you get into the fight. Make one of your Pokemon fly to Cerulean. When you do that, the menu will go away, the gambler's exlemation point will go up and you'll fly to Cerulean. When your there, you will not be able to access the menu forthe game will think you are in a battle and you can't access the menu in a battle (you will also be unable to talk (or fight) anybody but the two Youngsters on route 25 (those are the only people to my knowledge). If you try to talk to anybody, they will only turn towards you and say nothing). Find the Youngster (he should be the second Youngster there, going from closest to farthest). Do not walk straight up to him or your game will crash. Have it so he'll walk up to you. Beat him. Access menu (you will be able to now) and fly to Lavender. Go left, to route 8 (where the Gambler is). When you get to route 8, the menu will automatically appear. DO NOT SAVE! Exit menu. You will be attacked by a level 7 Mew. I have only tried this cheat on yellow. I do not know if it will work on Blue or Red (it's supose to). |
Fight Land Creatures In Water |
To fight creatures that normally live on land in water, go to the water around Cinnabar Island or Seafoam Islands (The only place you can be randomly attacked while swimming.) Swim along the shore of any island and you will fight land creatures. (You have to swim on a place where the square is half land and half water.)
If you do this on the right side of seafoam islands, you can fight creatures from the Safari Zone, such as Scyther or Pinsir. |
Fossilien [German] |
Wenn ihr ein Fossil habt, dann könnt ihr es mit dem Zinoberinsel Verdopplungstrick verdopplen (Man sieht es einfach nicht das es Verdoppelt wurde). Und dann kömmt ihr aus den Fossilien im Haus unten links bei der Zinoberinsel Pokemons wieder auferstehen lassen. Nicht nur einmal sonderm etwa 100 mal. Und dann habt ihr ganz viele Pokemon
Free Slot Coins |
Walk around in the slot place and keep pressing A. After a while you will find 10,20,or even 100 coins. You can also get coins by talking to people at the slots. |
Get A Free Rare Candy |
First, go to Ceruleun City and go into the man that tells you about the badges back yard. Go into the backyard and keep pressing A and move around. Soon, it will say "Ash Found a Rare Candy." |
Get Mew, The Best Pokemon Of All! |
To get Mew, you must NOT YET HAVE CUT(or still be on the ship with it). Right after you get cut(HM01), go to any trainer on the ship and let him beat you. DO NOT WALK OFF THE SHIP! By letting the trainer win, you get off the ship without it leaving.
After you get surf, go back to the harbor but don't get on the ship. When you are right infront of the S.S. Anne, use surf to get behind the ship and push it out of the way. Where the ship was, Mew should be there. !NOTE!=Mew can learn ANYTHING! Also, he is the strongest Pokemon in the game, and can scare away wild pokemon! He is No.151. |
Get Mewtwo |
After you have gotten all eight of your badges you need to go beat the pokemon league. The credits will roll and then the menu pops up again. DO NOT RESET THE GAME!!!! Go to Cerulean Citygo north to the brige where you faced 5 trainers before the path to Bill's house. Turn left and there will be a large area of water. Surf until you get to a cave. You will find Mewtwo in that cave. |
Get Omanyte, Aerodactyal And Kabuto |
To get Aerodactyal and Omanyte or Kabuto you must first collect two out of three items.
In Mt. Moon, before the exit, there is a guy you have to fight. If you when, you get the choice of two fossils. The one on the left is the Dome Fossil, which gives you Kabuto. The one on the right is the Helix Fossil, which gives you Omanyte.
Go back to Pewter City, and cut the bush near the Museum. Go through the back door and speak to the guy near the sphere. He'll give you Old Amber, which gives you Aerodactyal.
To get these extinct pokemon, you most beat Koga in Fushcia City and get HM05 in Safari's Zone's secret house. HM05 teaches Surf, in which you can ride a water pokemon. Go back to Pallet after getting HM05 and the soul badge. Surf down the water way south of pallet until you reach Cinnibar Island.
Enter the building to the left of the pokemon center. Proceed right until you reach the last door. Enter the door and speak to the man at the top. Give him either the Helix fossil, Dome Fossil or Old Amber. Leave, re-enter and he'll give you the corresponding pokemon. |
Get Snorlax |
Get the Pokeflute from Mr. Fuji then find the sleeping pokemon. Wake him up and capture him in a battle.
Note: You have only two chances to catch him. Once on Route 11 and once on Route 12. |
Grass Abschlagen [German] |
dieser trick ist sehr nützlich wenn man sehr schwach ist und man nicht kämpfen will aber durch grass gehen muss.
stell dich vor das grass und geh ins menü --> pokemon
dann auf das pokemon was den zerschneider kann und setz zerschneider ein. danach wird das grass abgeschlagen und du kannst das nächste stück grass abschlagen und so weiter
tipp: kommt aber ein pokemon weil du ins grass gegangen bist kommt auch das grass wieder was du abgeschlagen hast
tolle pokemon adressen: www.pokemonexperte.de
Hidden Pokemon |
There are three pokemon that are hidden in the game.The pokemon are Zapdos, Mortles, and Artincuno.
Zapdos can be found in the Power Plant by Cerulean City. Go on route 9,the area near the Rock Tunnel which you needed Flash for. Make sure you have the SURF abilty. Once you have surf go to the area where Route 9 ends. Go to the water and use surf. Keep going down and you'll see a opening where the rocks brek to open land, go on that and you'll see a big building. Go in there a keep walking around untill you see a bird pokemon standing there. Save your game and then fight the bird. Capture it, then its on too Fuchsia City!
If you have fly go to the Fuchsia City gate on the left. You'll see a few little jumpable cliffs. Go to the edge of the water and use surf. Keep going left and you should see some islands. Go in the cave that on the islands. You must have strength to get this next bird. Once in the cave find you way through the cave pushing all the rocks down the holes. This is important because you need to stop the curant flow down below int he cave. Once you find you way to another bird pokemon, do the same as before. This is going to be Articuno.
The final pokemon is Moltres, who an be found once you have all eight badges. After you have all the badges go to Victory Road at the Pokemon League. Make you way through the cave and you should see another bird pokemon. Repeat the same steps as you did for the outher Pokemon. |
Hint |
If you want to get the evolved forms of Nidorina, Nidorino, and Clefairy do not use a Moon Stone on Jigglypuff. You can find Wigglytuff in the Unknown Dungeon. |
Hint: Quit The Hassle! |
Instead of going to Seafoam Islands, Fly to Pallet Town and Surf South to get to Cinnabar. You may have to battle a few trainers, but it's faster than going through Seafoam Islands. |
Hints |
To get all three beginning pokemon, make sure you have two gameboys and follow these steps: 1.)Start a new game on one game boy. 2.)Pick one of the starting pokemon.(Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmandar) 3.)Go to Viridian City and to the shop. Talk to the man at the counter, and he'll ask you to give something to Professor Oak. Give it to Oak, then make your way back to Viridian City's Pokemon Center. Trade your pokemon to the other gameboy. Turn the Game boy off, and start a new game. 4.)Get another starting pokemon. 5.)Go to Viridian City and repeat the steps above. Trade your pokemon and start a new game. 6.)Repeat the strategy over, but don't trade your last beginning pokemon. Instead, make sure you catch two other pokemon. Then go to the pokemon center and trade your two just-caught pokemon for the two starting pokemon you traded earlier. You should now have the three beginning pokemon! (NOTE:The two starting pokemon that were traded back will not obey you once they exceed Lv. 10. You may make them start obeying you by aquiring certain badges.)
In this example, I will be using Blastoise and Pidgey. Blastoise. Blastoise is being cloned. Start to trade the two pokemon. When the person getting the pidgey's screen says 'please wait', turn it off. You may turn the other gameboy off too when it says 'trade completed'. When you turn the game boys on, you'll both have a Blastoise! WARNING! This may erase a game! |
Du musst ein weibliches FLEGMON fangen.Dann bringt ihr es auf L.47(Wenn es sich Entwicckeln will brich die Entwicklung ab).Dann müsst ihr auf die erste Stelle ein MEWTO(Mewtwo)und auf der zweiten Stelle das weibliche FLEGMON.(SONST KEINE!).Geh in die POKEMON-LIGA und Spiel sie einmal durch.Du darfst nur das MEWTWO einsetzen.
Wenn du alle aus der LIGA besigt habt und wieder vor euren Haus steht gebt dem weiblichen FLEGMON einen KING-STEIN.Jetzt wirt es zu dem Geheimen Wasser Pokemon LASCHOQEEN(Nr.253)
Mimic TM |
Buy a Pokedoll at the Celadon City mall. Go to the Copy Cat's house in Saffron City. Talk to Copy Cat and there will be this cool sequence where Ash talks to Copy Cat (I think it's cool because you never hear Ash talk in the whole game except for now)! Then she will give you the Mimic TM for your Pokedoll. |
More For The Fight Land Pokemon On Seafoam Islands |
Goto the Fushia City safari zone and find out which zone the pokemon you want from the safari zone(if you want a Genghis Khan walk in the several grass places until you find one and guess what, thats where you find a Genghis Khan!). When you find the pokemon you want, run around in the same area without going over the arrows to another area until time on the P.A. is out. Then surf down from Fushia untill you find the first shore that goes vertically. Go up and down there until you fight a pokemon. You will fight a pokemon from the last part of the Safari Zone you were in. Remember, pokemon like Scyther, Pinser, Taurous, and Chansey are hard to find so be patient.
When you throw a Pokeball, be sure to press and hold up and B. The CPU will register it as a Masterball. However, you must time it impeccably or it will not work. |
Nightvision In Pokemon |
On GameBoy color when the word GameBoy appears on Pokemon hold B+>.
Man muss zu Vertania City fliegen, den Greis ansprechen und sich zeigen lassen, wie man Pokemon fängt. Dann muss man zur Zinnoberinsel fliegen, in die Arena gehen, Piro ansprechen, rausgehen und links am Rand entlang surfen. Wenn ihr glück habt, findet ihr Piro.
Ruin A Friend Or Foe's Game |
Catch about five(5) or six(6) missingno and trade all of them! Will not work all the time. |
Safari Zone |
Enter the safari zone and go to the plot of grass that the pokemon you want is in run out of time and surf to the edge of sea foam islands there you will find the pokemon you want wait for a rare pokemon because they hardly come but be patiant and you will have the pokemon tou want. |
Safarizone Pokemon On Cinabar |
Go to the Safarizone and bike around until the P. A. says times up. Then fly to Cinabar Island and Surf up and down the side. You will run into Safarizone Pokemon. |
Simsalas / Relaxos [German] |
Wenn ihr euch am anfang des Spiels Xavier nennt und den Gegner Ash, und dann Glumanda mit den Spitznamen Sippo, dann kommen bei der Zinnoberinsel ein paar Simsalas L:128 und Relaxos L:136
Start With 1, 2, Or Three Poke'mon |
As a name at the begining enter one of the three super birds.
Start w/1 pokemon: Articuno
2 pokemon: Zapdos
3 pokemon: Moltres
Will work 1 out of 20 times, won't hurt if don't work just try again. |
Starting Monster Tip |
The best monster to choose when you have to pick one at the start of the game is the Bulbasaur because he, unlike the other two, is a duel type pokemon (grass and poison) and will do best against the first few monsters. |
Stone And Trade Evolution |
Some Pokémon will only Evolve when they have been traded. They are:
Before = After
Machoke = Machamp
Graveler = Golem
Haunter = Gengar
Kadabra = Alakazam
Some Pokémon don't Evolve till you give them a Stone. They are:
FS = Fire Stone
TS = Thunder Stone
WS = Water Stone
LS = Leaf Stone
MS = Moon Stone
Before = After
Pikachu + TS = Raichu
Nidorina + MS = Nidoqueen
Nidorino + MS = Nidoking
Clefairy + MS = Clefable
Vulpix + FS = Ninetales
Jigglypuff + MS = Wigglytuff
Gloom + LS = Vileplume
Growlithe + FS = Arcanine
Poliwhirl + WS = Poliwarth
Weepinbell + LS = Victreebel
Shellder + WS = Cloyster
Exeggcute + LF = Exegguter
Staryu + WS = Starmie
Eevee + WS = Vapereon
Eevee + TS = Jolteon
Eevee + FS = Flareo |
Suicune [German] |
Suicune kannst du, nachdem du es befreit hast, problemlos im Steineichen-Wald finden. Du musst allerdings einen MEISTERBALL bei dir haben
Top 4 Attacken [German] |
Wenn Ihr Die Top 4 noch nicht geschafft habt dann
müsst Ihr unbedingt Diese Pokemon dabei haben:
Und diesen Pokemon bringt ihr am besten diese Attacken
Glurak: Feuerturm,feuerwirbel,Flammenwurf und schaufler.
Turtok: Hydropumpe,Aquaknarre,Eisstrahl und Schädelwumme.
Bisaflor: Rasierblatt,Solarstrhal, Egelsamen und Rankenhieb oder Zerschneider.
Dragoran: Hyperstrahl,Drachenwut,Slam und irgeneine Attacke.
Garados: Hyperstrahl,Drachenwut,Hydropumpe,surfer.
Simsala: Psychokienese,Psystrahl,Genesung und konfusion oder etwas anderes.
Mewtu: Die gleichen Attacken wie Bei Simsala.
Sarzenia: Genau die Attacken wie von Bisaflor Bloß anstatt Egelsamen irgend eine andere Attacke.
Giflor: Giflor muss auch Solarstrahl,Rasierblatt lernen aber Anstatt Rankenhieb Blättertanz erlernen und vielleicht auch zerschneider.
Geowaz: Überoller,Geowurf,Erdbeben und Steinwurf oder Stärke.
Machomei: Megakick,Geowurf,Metronom und Stärke.
Relaxo: Hyperstrahl,Bodyslam,Blyzard und vielleicht Auch Solarstrahl.
Tauboss: Himmelfeger,Flügelschlag,Fliegen,Spiegeltrick.
Zapdos: Donner,Fliegen,Bohrschnabel,Donnerschock.
Lavados: Feuersturm,Fliegen,Feuerwirbel,Himmelsfeger.
Arktos: Blizard,Eistrahl,Fliegen, Bohrschnabel
Trainer Tips |
1. Get Pokémon that don't share common weaknesses
2. Battle other trainers to find weaknesses against certain Pokémon types
3. Try to fix their weaknesses
4. Make good use of your four attacks
Trank [German] |
Wenn man auf den Weg zu Vertania City ist sollte man den Jungen auf halben Weg ansprechen. Dann bekommt man einen Trank
Unendliche Werte [German] |
Wenn euer Pokemon auf Level 100 ist und es soll noch weiter in KP, Angriff, usw. steigen, dann befolgt diesen Rat: Klont Top-Elixier, danach geht in die Mewtu Höhle und lauft zum Mewtu. Unterwegs müsst ihr jedes Pokemon besiegen, das euch begegnet, außer Mewtu.
Sobald ihr keine AP mehr habt, gebt eurem Pokemon Top-Elixier. Besiegt soviele Pokemon wie ihr wollt - wichtig ist, dass ihr immer nur mit einem Pokemon kämpft. Wenn ihr nicht mehr wollt, geht ins Pokemon Center und legt das Pokemon ab, mit dem ihr die ganze Zeit gekämpft habt.
Gleich danach nehmt ihr es wieder mit - ihr werdet sehen, es steigt in Angriff, Verteidigung, KP, Spezialatacke und Initiative, dabei steigt es immer wieder bis ins unendliche
Unlimited Rare Candies |
Go to the Poke Center on Cinnibar Island. Have one rare candy in the sixth slot on your items list. Then go up and down the east coast till you find a Missingno. not the other one. Run from the Missingno and check your items list. The rare candies will have a symbol in the left number.(You don't go to the man in Virdian city for this cheat) |
Very Easy Way To Get Kangeshkahn |
The first thing you must do is make sure you have a rare candy. Then clear a space in your line up. Then you have to go to Viridian, talk to the gatekeeper, listen to his little speech about catching pokemon. Then FLY to Cinnabar island and surf up and down the east coast of it. You will eventually encounter either a Missingno (Missing Number) or a pokemon that has static around the letter 'M' as it's name. If you encounter Missingno, it is very strong (L 132) if you can take it on great, it gives plenty of expierience points. When you encounter M catch it. It should be at level 0 and is very hard to catch. I suggest using duplicated master balls. When you catch the M and feed it a rare candy, it WILL evolve int a Kangeshkahn. Something that is really cool is that you can teach Fly and surf to M, evolve it then teach it cut and strength as a Kangeshkahn. It's funny to watch Kangeshkahn fly. Imagine what it will look like on Pokemon Stadium ! |
You Can Catch The Best Pokemon With Pokeballs |
You have to attack a little but make sure they don't flee and just keep using Pokéballs until you catch it. The best usually take about 100 Pokéballs.