Beams |
Create words with five or more letters will make a purple letter beam. When that letter is activated, the beam it creates will destroy letters. The more letters used to create the letter beam, the more directions it will travel. |
Cheese Tiles |
Some levels require you to bring cheese tiles all the way down to the bottom. On some levels, the cheese will in an area that you cannot reach. To bring those cheese tiles down, use crowned letters. Create a word with a crowned letter to destroy the tile directly below one of the cheese tiles. |
Crown Tiles |
Some tiles have a small crown on them. Include that tile when spelling a word will help complete objectives. To make crown tiles appear, spell four-letter words. A crown will fall onto a random tile. |
Scoring |
Begin by clearing obvious words at the top of the level and work your way down. This avoids ruining word combinations by letters dropping down when matches that are lower are made. In addition to whole words, abbreviations are sometimes accepted as valid. At the end of a level, your remaining moves will transform random tiles into letter beams. A blank tile may appear randomly. They act as wild cards and can replace any letter. |
Shuffler |
The shuffler can be used for free if it is charged first. This is done by creating word matches to fill the icon meter. Longer words will fill it up more. When it is full, you can use it for free. The shuffler should be used when you have an area with many bad letters that cannot be match. Note that it will shuffle all visible letters and may spoil matches in other areas.