Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts with 'zlib output compression' in /home/cheatd5/public_html/display/allcheats.php on line 4 Lost Lands: Dark Overlord (PC) - cheat-database.com
<br><table width='100%' cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3 border=0><tr valign='top'><th>Achievement</th><th>How to unlock
</th></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Bulldog</td><td>Main and Bonus chapters were completed without hints at HO Scenes by silhouettes.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Clever</td><td>Three mini-games were completed one-by-one without using the Skip button.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Collector</td><td>All collections were collected.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Eagle's Eye</td><td>Mini-game with ships on paintings was completed without miss click.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Expert</td><td>Main chapter was completed on hard level.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Fulminant</td><td>Mini-game was completed in less than a minute.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Gamekeeper</td><td>Full pine cone collection was completed.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Hunter on snails</td><td>Full snails collection was collected.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Impatient</td><td>Made more than 3 clicks per second in HO Scene by list.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Impetuous</td><td>Main chapter was completed in less than three hours.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Lover of puzzles</td><td>Main and Bonus chapters were completed without skipping mini-games.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Lover of stories</td><td>Main and Bonus chapters were completed watching all cut scenes and dialogs.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Mystic</td><td>Full skulls collection was collected.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Painter</td><td>Mini-game with sea-horse was completed without miss click.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Pathfinder</td><td>Main chapter was completed using the map no more than 5 times.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Pilot</td><td>Airship Flight was completed.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Plodding</td><td>Mini-game was completed by more than 5 minutes.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Sharpshooter</td><td>Three things were found per three seconds in HO Scene by list.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Shells Expert</td><td>All shells in Uri's Home were correctly arranged at the first attempt.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Skillful</td><td>Main and Bonus chapters were completed without hints at HO Scenes with arranging things.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Snake Charmer</td><td>Full snakes collection was collected.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Tidy</td><td>HO Scene by list was completed without miss clicks.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Train Driver</td><td>Mini-game with trolley was completed at the first attempt.
</td></tr><tr valign='top'><td>Treasure Hunter</td><td>They key was found in the box with stones in less than 20 seconds.