Assault |
The Assault class have Personal Shield as a class ability. It has a cooldown of 30 seconds and a duration of 10 seconds. Loadouts of each Assault character are as follows.
Hyde: Flamethrower, Minigun, Toxic Grenade, Personal Shield.
Markov: Lightning Gun, Assault Rifle, Arc Mines, Personal Shield.
Parnell: Combat Shotgun, Multifire Rocket Launcher, Super Soldier, Personal Shield. |
Character Mastery Rewards |
When you complete challenges and objectives you will earn Experience for your player level (Level fourty is the level cap) which will improve a hunter's non-class specific loadout items and a monster's abilities. You will also earn a perk when you level up. To track your progress go to the 'Character Mastery' screen. |
Hunters And Monsters |
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding hunter or monster.
Hunter or monster | How to unlock
Abe | Complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Griffin.
| Bucket | Complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Hank.
| Cabot | Complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Bucket.
| Caira | Complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Lazarus.
| Griffin | Complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Maggie.
| Hyde | Complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Markov.
| Kraken | Complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Goliath.
| Lazarus | Complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Val.
| Parnell | Complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Hyde.
| Wraith | Complete the Tier 1 Character Mastery Requirement for Kraken.
Medics |
Medics have Healing Burst as a class ability. It has a cooldown of 22 seconds, a maximum radius or 15 meters, and provides 350 HP of effective healing. Loadouts of each Medic character are as follows.
Caira: Napalm Grenade Launcher, Healing Grenade Launcher, Acceleration Field, Healing Burst.
Lazarus: Silenced Sniper Rifle, Lazarus Device, Personal Cloak, Healing Burst.
Val: Armor-Piercing Sniper Rifle, MedGun, Tranquilizer Gun, Healing Burst. |
Support |
The Support class has Cloaking Field as a class ability. It has an effective radius of 10 meters, cooldown of 30 seconds, and a duration of 20 seconds. Loadouts of each Support character are as follows.
Bucket: Guided Missile Launcher, Sentry Guns, UAV, Cloaking Field
Cabot: Rail Cannon, Damage Amplifier, Dust Tagging, Cloaking Field
Hank: Laser Cutter, Shield Protector, Orbital Barrage, Cloaking Field |
Trappers |
Trappers have Mobile Arena as a class ability. It has a cooldown of 60 seconds, a duration of 60 seconds, and a radius of 50 meters. Loadouts of each Trapper character are as follows.
Abe: Custom Shotgun, Stasis Grenades, Tracking Dart Pistol, Mobile Arena.
Griffin: Gauss SMG, Harpoon Gun, Sound Spikes, Mobile Arena.
Maggie: Machine Pistol, Harpoon Traps, Pet Trapjaw, Mobile Arena. |
Various Trophies |
Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
#shearproblems (Bronze) | Destroy 100 objects outside of the Tutorials.
| 12-Sided Die (Gold) | Reach Elite status on all Hunters.
| Apex Predator (Gold) | Achieve rank 40.
| Award Addiction (Bronze) | Obtain 25 unique Awards.
| Basic Training (Bronze) | Complete the Hunter's Tutorial.
| Beat Them All (Bronze) | Win a match in all online game modes.
| Bone Jockey (Bronze) | Win a match while having spent most of the time in the air outside of the Tutorials.
| Cardboard Tier (Bronze) | Complete the Monster's Tutorial.
| Classless (Bronze) | Win a match without using your Class Ability.
| Cockroach (Bronze) | Kill the Monster while incapacitated outside of the Tutorials.
| Collect Them All! (Silver) | Unlock all of the Hunters and Monsters.
| Counter Strike (Bronze) | Attack a Hunter within 15 seconds of them deploying in Hunt outside of the Tutorials.
| Darwinism (Silver) | Win a match without losing any health as a Monster outside of the Tutorials.
| Death From Above (Bronze) | Kill the Monster while in mid-air outside of the Tutorials.
| Death to Tyranny (Bronze) | Rescue a teammate from a Tyrant outside of the Tutorials.
| Equal Opportunity Hunters (Bronze) | Win a match with half of the team as the opposite sex outside of the Tutorials.
| Evolution Mania! (Bronze) | Evolve to Stage 3 as a Monster 25 times outside of the Tutorials.
| Evolve Platinum Trophy (Platinum) | Obtain all other Trophies.
| Get Off My Planet (Bronze) | Win Evacuation as a Monster.
| Got A Gold Star (Bronze) | Earn Gold in the Hunter Tutorial.
| Gotcha! (Bronze) | Sneak pounce the final living Hunter to end a match outside of the Tutorials.
| Helping Hand (Bronze) | Revive 25 incapacitated Hunters outside of the Tutorials.
| Hotswapaholic (Bronze) | Do damage to the Monster with every class in a match.
| I Live…Redux (Bronze) | Incapacitate, hotswap, and revive yourself.
| If It Bleeds (Bronze) | Win 25 matches in Hunt.
| Inconceivable (Bronze) | Kill the Monster without taking any damage outside of the Tutorials.
| Instant Artist (Bronze) | Create a Badge in the Profile Badge creator.
| Invincible (Bronze) | Win a match in under 2:05 minutes.
| Knock-Knock (Bronze) | Win 25 matches in Defend.
| Left For Dead (Bronze) | Incapacitate a Hunter and leave them to bleed out outside of the Tutorials.
| Mano A Monster (Bronze) | Kill a Stage 3 Monster while being the only Hunter alive outside of the Tutorials.
| Massacre (Bronze) | Kill an entire Hunter team as a Stage 1 Monster.
| Mud Monster (Bronze) | Win a match having spent most of your time in Sneak outside of the Tutorials.
| Natural Selection (Bronze) | Complete an entire Evacuation campaign without dying.
| Ninja Time! (Bronze) | Kill a Hunter without taking any damage outside of the Tutorials.
| Payback Time (Bronze) | Win 25 matches in Nest.
| Premade (Bronze) | Win a round of Hunt while in a party of 4 players
| Squerly (Bronze) | Achieve 95% or higher accuracy against predators in a match outside of the tutorials.
| Strategist (Silver) | Watch all Tutorial Videos.
| Taste of Shear (Bronze) | Kill one of each creature on Shear outside of the Tutorials.
| Teacher's Pet (Bronze) | Earn Gold in the Monster Tutorial.
| Thank You (Bronze) | Watch the credits all the way through the end.
| The Hunter (Silver) | Reach Elite status for a Hunter.
| The Monster (Silver) | Reach Elite status for a Monster.
| Three of a Kind (Gold) | Reach Elite status on all Monsters.
| Unbeatable (Bronze) | Win a match as a Monster without doing damage to the Hunters until Stage 3 outside of the Tutorials.
| Vegan Police (Bronze) | Win a match as a Hunter without killing any creatures.
| We're Not Assassins (Bronze) | Win 25 matches in Rescue.
| Wildlife Genocidist (Bronze) | Kill 1,390 wildlife outside of the Tutorials.
| With Our Powers Combined (Bronze) | Win Evacuation as a Hunter.
Wildlife |
The following creatures can be encountered, in both normal and "elite" versions (which convey buffs when killed).
Biome: Forest
Description: They primarily feed on grasses and are very territorial. They are heavily armored and have lots of health.
Basking Cephaladon
Biome: Acid, Ice
Description: These alligator-looking creatures are usually found near marshy areas in the Ice biomes. They have a large amount of health.
Blitz Leopard
Biome: Forest, Acid, Ice, Desert
Description: Usually found in large flocks. Not a challenge for a Monster, however Hunters can take noticeable damage early in the encounter.
Canyon Eel
Biome: Desert
Description: Found in freshwater sources and can deal a massive damage to Hunters. They are typically rare and only appear when the "Man-Eating Eels" map effect is active.
Canyon Strider
Biome: Acid, Desert
Description: Has good agility and sense of smell. Although difficult to catch, they can be brought down with one hit.
Crowbill Sloth
Biome: Forest, Acid, Ice, Desert
Description: Featured during the tutorial, they do not have a large amount of health.
Dune Beetle
Biome: Acid, Desert
Description: Will charge Hunters as soon as they are spotted. They have a large amount of health, and do not give any buff when killed.
Biome: Ice
Description: They move very slowly and only provide food to Monsters.
Mammoth Bird
Biome: Forest, Acid, Ice, Desert
Description: Found in groups that flee quickly.
Marsh Strider
Biome: Forest
Description: Good food source for Monsters.
Biome: Acid, Desert
Description: They remain hidden until prey walks nearby. They will then grab hold and drag them while dealing damage over time.
Biome: Acid, Desert
Description: They react and move slowly; and have low health.
Obsidian Grub
Biome: Ice
Description: Small, heavily armored, and easy to kill.
Biome: Forest
Description: Appear as a map effect and usually attack Hunters.
Biome: Forest, Ice, Acid, Desert
Description: Usually will move and hunt in packs.
Biome: Forest, Ice
Description: Very small and agile, making them difficult to catch.
Biome: Ice
Description: Similar to Armadon, but much smaller in size. They are heavily armored and give off poisonous steam which obscures sight and allows them to flee easily.
Biome: Forest, Ice, Acid, Desert
Description: Travel in packs and are very aggressive against Hunters.
Biome: Forest, Ice
Description: Very dangerous creatures that are usually found near water.
Biome: Forest, Acid
Description: Favored attack is to leap on a lone target and poison them.
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