Defending Your Business |
Purchase the shotgun from Mike the plumber and fight gangsters. This allows you to defend your product and cash against gangsters. Purchase panties from Sandy the cheerleader after reaching level 14. This will protect your plants from Officer Malone the cop. Refuse his request when he appears, and he will steal the panties instead of getting your plants. |
Discounts |
When you need to buy the bong, turntable, panties, safe, shotgun, etc. smoke with the seller to get a discount. |
Double Lapdance Experience |
Play the lapdance mini-game. Immediately after finishing a lapdance, without closing Jane's menu, tap the "Lapdance" icon. The app will crash but when reopened you will have gained 110 experience points on the top of the 110 experience points already acquired from completing the lapdance. |
Easy Experience |
Every harvest results in the same experience amount of experience points. Consider planting cheap seed and grind experience with bush weed.
Complete quests on the blackboard as soon as possible to acquire more experience and gain levels.
Purchase the turntable and different records. When played, the records will give a 2x to 6x experience point multiplier. Sell the weed while the music plays. Also try using the punk rock track gives you a 4x experience multiplier but lasts a minute longer instead of the shorter songs. To maximize this trick, buy all the customizations to keep your customers making transactions to gain both experience and cash. For example when you play the dubstep track you will have a 5x experience multiplier and using the joint and the bong with a customer will earn 20 experience points.
Reach level 11 and aliens will appear. They will offer to advance you to the next level, but at a cost. To make their offer most effective, do so after gaining a level and not when you are close to leveling up. Tap the "Warp to the next level" choice to pay them $500 to for an instant level up. Note: They will reduce your experience points if you refuse them. To do avoid this, purchase the painting from Mary the artist then refuse the aliens' offer. They will steal the painting and leave your experience points alone.
Repeatedly plant weed and grow it instantly by advancing the time on your device. Then, set the time back to its true value and sell the plants to convert them into experience points.
Play records when harvesting weed. This is most effective when harvesting more expensive strains with twelve pots. For example, playing the punk rock track for a 4x experience multiplier while harvesting twelve Purple Hazes will result in a total of 144 experience points. Also advancing your device time to speed your harvest will not slow down the playing of whatever record is on the turntable. It is possible to get three full harvests while playing one single vinyl record. |
Easy Money |
Use the social network integration to get $100. You can share the game on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Email, and other social networks up to ten times a day to get a total of $1,000. By advancing the time on your device you can keep sharing indefinitely. |
Faster Growth |
Seeds, water and time are required for growing. Plant seeds in the pot and water when indicated by the meter. You must then wait until the plant grows large enough to harvest. You can make it grow instantly by advancing the time on your device. Then, set the time back to its true value. Use fertilizers to speed up growth. This is especially important with advanced strains. |
Increased Production |
Purchase as many pots as possible. You can then plant more varieties of plants at the same time. Upgrade your pots to have them perform better. |
Increased Sales |
Smoke with your customers (for example, Jane the stripper, Naomi, and Sandy the cheerleader) and they will be more likely to respond better with you. Note: This has no effect on Ryan, the unemployed guy. |
No Gangsters |
After you plant and grow your crops, pause game play, minimize it, close the app. Your crops will continue to grow and no gangsters will appear. You can grow as much as possible and sell it easily until the gangsters appear and can afford to pay it. They will occasionally come to your door and demand money. You must give them money or they will steal all your money and weed unless you have the safe. |
Safe |
The safe is a premium items that can purchased from Lee after reaching level 5. You can start your money and weed in it to protect it from theft. |
Upgrades |
Purchase different upgrades as soon as possible. They become available as you make progress. For example, blinds that help hide your operation will be unlocked at level 6. Other upgrades that will increase your aesthetics and help increase the amount of customers.