Trophy | How to unlock
Advanced Detective (Episode 1) (Silver) | You've finished episode 1 and done well!
Advanced Detective (Episode 2) (Silver) | You've finished episode 2 and done well!
Advanced Detective (Episode 3) (Silver) | You've finished episode 3 and done well!
Amateur Detective (Episode 1) (Bronze) | You've finished episode 1.
Amateur Detective (Episode 2) (Bronze) | You've finished episode 2.
Amateur Detective (Episode 3) (Bronze) | You've finished episode 3.
Brilliant Mind (Bronze) | You have correctly reconstructed the murder's course of events.
Climber (Bronze) | You have abseiled to the treasure chamber!
Completionist (Silver) | You have unlocked all bonus material!
Discoverer (Bronze) | You have found the entrance to the secret basement!
Explorer (Bronze) | You have found the baroness' secret compartment.
Hero of the Hour (Bronze) | You have saved Matt. You're a hero!
Houdini (Bronze) | You have freed yourself from the bonds.
Humble Helper (Silver) | You have found the baroness' purse.
Master Detective (Episode 1) (Gold) | You've finished episode 1 and did an outstanding job!
Master Detective (Episode 2) (Gold) | You've finished episode 2 and did an outstanding job!
Master Detective (Episode 3) (Gold) | You've finished episode 3 and did an outstanding job!
Master of Disguise (Bronze) | You have disguised as a conductor.
Master of The Raven (Platinum) | You have unlocked all Trophies of "The Raven"!
Prometheus (Bronze) | You have built a functioning torch!
Sprinter (Bronze) | You have caught the runaway train!
Survivor (Bronze) | You have survived the explosion in the freight car.
The Raven (Gold) | You successfully finished "The Raven"!
Traveler (Bronze) | You have found a way to board the ship.
Walking Dead (Bronze) | You have survived the explosion in the treasure chamber!
Witness (Bronze) | You have witnessed Dr. Gebhardt's end.