Trophy | How to unlock
Astral Neat (Silver) | Executed all Astral Heats.
BossSlash (Silver) | [Unlimited Mars] Defeated 10 foes.
Combo List (Silver) | [Challenge] Executed over 500 challenges.
Don't Hate The Player (Bronze) | [Network] Won a Player Match.
Driven To Succeed (Bronze) | Unleashed a character's Overdrive.
Driven to Win (Bronze) | Won a match with an Overdrive finish.
Hello World! (Bronze) | Welcome to the world of BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma!
I Think You've Hit the Ceiling (Bronze) | [Score Attack] Finished Score Attack with more than 200,000,000 Points.
Ikaruga Tour Guide (Silver) | [Abyss] Finished 5 dungeons.
Level Elf (Silver) | [Network] Reached Level 11.
Lobbying For Change (Bronze) | [Network] Fought 3 battles in the Lobby.
P$ Can't Buy Everything (Gold) | [Gallery] Unlocked 50% of the Gallery.
Phantoms of Time (Platinum) | Mastered BlazBlue: Chono Phantasma.
Please Turn Off Your Cell Phones (Bronze) | [Replay Theater] Watched the first Replay.
Practice, Victory, Friendship! (Bronze) | [Training] Trained for over 30 minutes consecutively.
Talk of the Town (Bronze) | [Network] Edited your D-Code.
The Most Wonderful Thing About Triggers (Bronze) | Used the Crush Trigger over 100 times.
This Will Be On The Test (Bronze) | [Tutorial] Finished the BlazBlue Tutorial.
Throw Me A Bone Here (Bronze) | Escaped 100 throws.
Who's Got Next (Bronze) | [Arcade] Finished Arcade Mode.