Skin | How to unlock
Adam West & Futuristic Batman Costumes | Get the 'Knightfall Pack' as a PS3-exclusive pre-order bonus.
Batman 1 Million Costume | Register with WBID when starting a new game.
Batman Blackest Night Costume | Earn Prestige in Multiplayer Mode.
Batman Costume | Available from the start of the game, as soon as you begin the Story Mode.
Batman Dark Knight Costume | Finish all Dark Knight Challenges.
Batman Injustice Costume | Earn all Medals in the game’s Challenge Mode.
Batman New 52 Graphic Costume | Capture every Most Wanted target in the game’s Story Mode.
Batman Noel Costume | Complete the campaign.
Brightest Day Batman, Gotham by Gaslight Batman Costumes | Get the 'Batman Arkham Origins - Season Pass' on your system’s online store.
Earth-2 Bruce Wayne, The Long Halloween, Earth-2 New, Batman Thrillkiller, Knight of the Round Table, 1989-2006 Classic Tim Drake Robin Costumes | Get the 'Infinite Earths Pack' on your system’s online store.
First Appearance 1939, Red Son, Noel, New 52, Blackest Night 2006-2008 Tim Drake Robin Costumes | Get the 'New Millenium Pack' on your system’s online store.
Initiation Bruce Wayne skin | Get the "Initiation" DLC on your system’s online store.
Judas Contract Deathstroke, Injustice Deathstroke, Arkham Origins Deathstroke Costumes | Get is as a pre-order bonus in selected stores. Will soon also be available to buy as the 'Deathstroke Challenge Pack".
Long Halloween, Batman ThrillKiller, Batman Earth 2, Batman: Dark Knight of the Round Table Costumes | Get the 'Batman Legends Pack' as a pre-order bonus in selected stores.