Cat |
Start a new game and go into Atrus' study. Click on everything in the room that resembles a pepper shaker. When this has been done, link to J'nanin. Use the light reflectors and reflect the light over to the green and red reflectors. Go across the island to the green and red reflectors. Turn the green reflector so the light reflects to the red one. Go up the stone steps to the red reflector. Stay here, and do not move forward yet. The red reflector reflects the light in two different directions -- over to the yellow reflector, and onto a big rock that is directly in front of it. You should be facing this rock now. Reflect the light on the rock. Hold ~ and click forward once (toward the rock). If done correctly, you will see a projection of the face of a cat named Pepper. He belongs to one of the programmers.
Character Gallery |
Go to the Tamahara Age and go to Atrus' desk. Hold ~ and select the picture of Atrus and Catherine.
Headache |
When Saavedro steals the book and locks himself in the main horn, go up to the door he locked. Hold ~ and zoom in. You will see Bard Dourif having a headache.
J'nanin Age: Lens Posts |
On the J'nanin Age, there are a variety of posts, each with a sort of lens. You must find the source of light (near the yellow post) and turn the cover until the light is directed to the yellow post. From there, point the light from post to post and ultimately to the receptor next to one of the three tusks. The light posts can be manipulated by clicking on the ring under the lens. Record the order of the colors of the posts that the light travels to in order to reach the receptor, this order is the key to open the door.
Moth |
Go to Edanna, the Age with all the plants. Go to the part near the bottom just before the two big blue onion-looking flowers. Go to the part with the stone steps just below the bouncing leaf elevator. Turn right and you will see a moth on the stone steps. Do not touch the moth. If you do, it will fly away. Press ~, then click on the moth. You should see faces of two cats on the moth's wings that belong to the woman who designed most of Edanna.
Pez Dispenser |
Enter in Saavedro's home and approach the hammock. Zoom in, then hold ~ and move the pointer until it turns into a "zoom" icon. Release ~ and the "zoom" icon will disappear. Hold ~ again to zoom in to a view of a Pez dispenser.
Watch Picture |
After Saavedro does his "Atrus is that you? Not yet old friend" speech, zoom out from the window. Hold ~ and zoom in. You may need to do this a few times for it to work. You will see Brad Dourif checking his watch.
Water Demon |
When you are at the base of the big tusk in J'nanin, near the small hut on the water, face towards the hut. Hold [Alt] + [Keypad 1] + [Keypad 6] + [Keypad 8] and a small water demon will appear. It swims around the rock stepping stones and might terrorize you if you go to near the water's edge.