Beat Brightman Easy! |
or this to work you must have 10 Ratton1 battle chips with you.First, when the battle starts, move to the back of the arena.Shoot one Ratton1 at Brightman. He will become open to an attack right before it hits him. The moment he takes damage, shoot another one. Repeat this procces untill he dies. Be sure to get the chip that comes out of him because it's a very good one
Beat Fireman Easy |
As you should know Fireman dose mostly tow moves firearm & burner. So use swords to go up to Fireman but not to close so you don't get hit burner then attack. It should take 5 swords to beat him sometimes he just dose firearm so you might die and be sure to use regular swords
Beat Fireman Easy ! |
As you should know Fireman dose mostly tow moves firearm & burner. So use swords to go up to Fireman but not to close so you don't get hit burner then attack. It should take 5 swords to beat him sometimes he just dose firearm so you might die and be sure to use regular swords.
Beat Fireman Even Easier |
First buy two or three aqua swords from higsby's shop (hint: keep jacking out to get the zenny required) go to net on fire when you are facing Fireman slide under his flamethrower and make your way to him . Then when your close in range for your attack slash him with the aqua sword about three or four times. It's ok if you get damaged by his body fire.
Easy Guts Man Fight |
To beat Gutsman start off by shooting him when he raises his arms or jumps in the air. If he is in the air shoot him with battle chips then you wont hurt you when he hits the ground. Shoot him with battle chips if his arms go up or jump off the ground so you dont get hurt when he shoots a shockwave through the ground. If he gets close to you try to jump over him or slash him with a sword a couple of times.
Easy Way To Beat Spikeman |
First you get shockwave and go into battle.When you start fighting him you use shockwave and the slide under his legs and hit him again. Do this repeatedly and you'll have a good chance of winning. For winning you'll get his attack where he shoots 8 needles at a time and alot of zenny.
Easy Way To Beat Spikeman ! |
First you get shockwave and go into battle.When you start fighting him you use shockwave and the slide under his legs and hit him again. Do this repeatedly and you'll have a good chance of winning. For winning you'll get his attack where he shoots 8 needles at a time and alot of zenny.
Fight Secret Boss |
In Den Area 3, above the area with the falling blocks just before FireMan, is a secret platform. You'll need to use a few double jumps to get up here, but you'll eventually find a locked door. In order to open it you'll need to get the Navi chips from all the bosses, including ProtoMan. Once you have them, go inside to fight the secret boss.
FireMan Boss |
Go to Higsby's and buy 2 Aqua Swords. Then go and fight FireMan. It would take two hits from an Aqua Sword will immediately kill him.
Get Fire Man |
Have Water attacks and plenty of Swords. First, weaken him with Aqua attacks. Next, use a Sword attack. The moment you use it, jump backwards and dodge his body flame. Do this rapidly and win the battle 2 by 4.
Get Gravity Man |
While on your way to the Zero Account, you will discover many tough enemies, including Gravity Man. This Navi can be very difficult to defeat. Make sure that you have at least a few Half Energy Subchips (useful when low on health). Also, make sure to have a lot of projectile weapons, such as Cannon, Hi Cannon, Shotgun, etc. When you begin to fight him, you will find that his main weapon are energy balls. To dodge these, jump up and down. You will switch between standing on the ceiling and ground. Then, when the time is correct, use a projectile weapon. If your health gets low, use a Half Energy.
Get Ice Man |
Ice Man is a water type Navi. Buy three Electric Blades and use them on Ice Man. If you miss one, you are out of luck. To be safe, buy more than three.
Get Life Virus |
Use the Dynawave, as it will get rid of the aura. Hit him, but be careful as it can get blocked by the Ice and Wood attacks. Depending on the attack, change your armor since the Life Virus attacks with elements. The Protoman, M Cannon, and Color Man chips help. Use Projectile chips on the second form, and if you get hit by a bubble it drops use the Energy sub chips (which you should have) and slide under it when it gets close.
Get Needle Man |
Needle Man is a wood type Navi. Use all kinds of swords and blades on him. Fire causes the most damage to him.
Get Proto Man |
Have an MP count of at least 200 and set the DropDown chip as your regular chip, which you can find in Zero Account. Use the chip immediately and shoot Protoman with your Megabuster (which should be fully upgraded by now). Do not charge your gun too often, and rely more on the single shot blasts. Use DropDown again if it wears off. Use MP charges if you run out of MP and try to get a full stock of DropDown.
Get Sword Man |
When Sword Man is just standing there, fight with Sword chips. It will good damage, or if you do the P.A. with Ice, Fire, and Electric Sword it will do more damage. Watch out tor his swords. They will spin around for a moment, then come at you. Try to dodge them. Also watch out, as he gets up in the air. He will hover around wherever you go. He will come down quickly and do a shockwave while on the ground. Jump when he does this.
GutsMan Boss |
Make sure you have Roll and some gun chips with you (i.e. V-Gun, Cannon, Shotgun, and Hi-Cannon). Use the gun chips first and then when you start to lose health, use Roll. If you do not have some of the chips, FireMan works well also.
IceMan Boss |
This guy is the easiest of them all. Simply use FireMan, FireArm, and some strong gun chips to beat this boss.
Kill Bosses |
This process is fairly easy, although it requires some time and can only be done later in the game. You need at least two Cannons, two Hi-Cannons, and two M-Cannons. Use up as many chips as you can other than those, a good healing one, and something that has a good attack. When done, there should only be the things you did not use and an empty space or two. Select Cannon, Hi-Cannon, and M-Cannon. Wait until your custom bar is full again, then go in and use it on the Boss. If it does not kill him, use it again. This will take care of the first life virus form, but for the second you will have to use another one or two.
Kill Ice Man |
Ice Man is a water type Navi. Buy three Electric Blades and use them on Ice Man. If you miss one, you are out of luck. To be safe, buy more than three.
Kill Life Virus |
Use the Dynawave, as it will get rid of the aura. Hit him, but be careful as it can get blocked by the Ice and Wood attacks. Depending on the attack, change your armor since the Life Virus attacks with elements. The Protoman, M Cannon, and Color Man chips help. Use Projectile chips on the second form, and if you get hit by a bubble it drops use the Energy sub chips (which you should have) and slide under it when it gets close.
Kill Needle Man |
Needle Man is a wood type Navi. Use all kinds of swords and blades on him. Fire causes the most damage to him.
Kill Proto Man |
Have an MP count of at least 200 and set the DropDown chip as your regular chip, which you can find in Zero Account. Use the chip immediately and shoot Protoman with your Megabuster (which should be fully upgraded by now). Do not charge your gun too often, and rely more on the single shot blasts. Use DropDown again if it wears off. Use MP charges if you run out of MP and try to get a full stock of DropDown.
Kill Sword Man |
When Sword Man is just standing there, fight with Sword chips. It will good damage, or if you do the P.A. with Ice, Fire, and Electric Sword it will do more damage. Watch out tor his swords. They will spin around for a moment, then come at you. Try to dodge them. Also watch out, as he gets up in the air. He will hover around wherever you go. He will come down quickly and do a shockwave while on the ground. Jump when he does this.
Mega Gambling |
Tucked into the upper right corner of the pinball section of Arcade Comp 2 is a hidden Link. Enter here to find a casino where you can play slots at 500 zenny a go to win new chips. In order to get here, jump onto the moving platform and get off of it on the far right side.
NeedleMan Boss |
Same as IceMan only does more damage.
PA Combos |
By equipping specific sets of chips at the same time, you can create powerful new weapons. Here's the full list of useful combos:
01. Zeta Cannon: Cannon + HiCannon + M-Cannon = 120 damage + Invis3
02. Zeta Ratton: Ratton1 + Ratton2 + Ratton3 = 90 damage + Invis3
03. Giga Burst: Spreader + Bubbler + HeatShot = 300 damage
04. Stream Arrow: DoubNdl + TripNdl + QuadNdl = 100 damage
05. Greatest Bomb: LilBomb + CrosBomb + BigBomb = 200 damage
06. Dream Sword 1: Sword + WideSwrd + LongSwrd = 200 damage
07. Dream Sword 2: FireSwrd + AquaSwrd + ElecSwrd = 300 damage
08. Dream Sword 3: FireBlde + AquaBlde + ElecBlde = 400 damage
09. Machine Punch: GutPunch + ColdPnch + DashAtk = 100 damage
10. Star Shower: SoniSlsh + GravHold + StarArro = 80 damage
11. Big Heart: Repair + Recov300 + Roll = 200 damage + Full recovery
12. Guts Shoot: MetGuard + DashAtk + GutsMan = 300 damage
13. Double Hero: CustSwrd + VarSwrd + ProtoMan = 70 damage
14. Zero Counter: HiGuard + ZetSaber + Zero = 300 damage |
Pick Your Own Chips |
In order to select which set of five chips you bring into a battle, simply exhaust the 15 chips in your folder that you don't want to use. Lan won't give you an empty chip, so he'll be forced to give you what you want. This is spectacularly useful in boss battles, and when trying to create a certain P.A. Weapon.
Unlocking The Undernet |
To unlock the undernet, you must destroy the Bosses at the Legendary and Vacant WWW Computers.