Trophy | How to unlock
100% Clear (Platinum) | This is the platinum trophy and is unlocked automatically when all the trophies have been unlocked.
Completed Doza Fortress (Silver) | Cleared all of the levels in Doza Fortress.
Completed Karibu Valley (Silver) | Cleared all of the levels in Karibu Valley.
Completed Lake Waka (Silver) | Cleared all of the levels in Lake Waka.
Completed Noko Woods (Silver) | Cleared all of the levels in Noko Woods.
Doza Fortress - 100% (Gold) | Completed all Doza Fortress challenges.
Doza Fortress - Cloudberry Catcher (Bronze) | Collected all Cloudberry medals in Doza Fortress.
Doza Fortress - Dozabot Hunter (Bronze) | Collect all the Dozabot medals in Doza Fortress.
Doza Fortress - Egg Ranger (Bronze) | Doza Fortress - Egg Ranger
Doza Fortress - Speed of the Wind (Bronze) | Collect all Time medals in Doza Fortress.
Dozabot Devastator (Silver) | Get this trophy when you destroy 5000 dozabots!.
Dozabot Nemesis (Bronze) | Get this trophy when you destroy 1000 dozabots!.
Dozabot Ranger (Bronze) | Get this trophy when you destroy 100 dozabots!.
Dozabot Reaper (Bronze) | Get this trophy when you destroy 500 dozabots!.
Dozabot Scrapper (Bronze) | Get this trophy when you destroy 5 Dozabots.
Karibu Valley - 100% (Gold) | Completed all Karibu Valley challenges.
Karibu Valley - Cloudberry Catcher (Bronze) | Collected all Cloudberry medals in Karibu Valley.
Karibu Valley - Dozabot Hunter (Bronze) | Collect all the Dozabot medals in Karibu Valley.
Karibu Valley - Speed of the Wind (Bronze) | Collect all Time medals in Karibu Valley.
Karibu Valley- Egg Ranger (Bronze) | Karibu Valley- Egg Ranger.
Lake Waka - 100% (Gold) | Completed all Lake Waka challenges.
Lake Waka - Cloudberry Catcher (Bronze) | Collected all Cloudberry medals in Lake Waka.
Lake Waka - Dozabot Hunter (Bronze) | Collect all the Dozabot medals in Lake Waka.
Lake Waka - Egg Ranger (Bronze) | Lake Waka - Egg Ranger.
Lake Waka - Speed of the Wind (Bronze) | Collect all Time medals in Lake Waka.
Noko Woods - 100% (Gold) | Completed all Noko Woods challenges.
Noko Woods - Cloudberry Catcher (Bronze) | Collected all Cloudberry medals in Noko Woods.
Noko Woods - Dozabot Hunter (Bronze) | Collect all the Dozabot medals in Noko Woods.
Noko Woods - Egg Ranger (Bronze) | Noko Woods - Egg Ranger.
Noko Woods - Speed of the Wind (Bronze) | Collect all Time medals in Noko Woods.