Achievement | How to unlock
A Few New Tricks (20 points) | Use 5 different Quickfire gadgets in one fight as Robin in Harley Quinn's Revenge
Battering Ram (10 points) | Shield Bash 5 different thugs
Bomb Squad (40 points) | Defuse all bombs in 3 minutes or less
Breaking and Entering (20 points) | Find a way into the secret base
Frequent Flyer (10 points) | Zip Kick 5 different thugs
How's It Hanging? (20 points) | Clean up the Dry Docks
Lost Property (20 points) | No crimefighter should be without this
Party's Over (50 points) | Destroy all Harley Balloons
Snap To It (20 points) | Snap Flash an unarmed thug, an armed thug, an environmental object and a Titan
The Last Laugh (40 points) | The joke's on who?