Modding the Game
This is a compilation of various modding info and cheat keys etc I found via the webs various game sites and forums. My only contribution was to combine them and edit them for readability etc. They all work as I've tested all of it while playing the game. I highly suggest you go to the games official web site and read through the forums there for some really great mods, like Bmans UFO Mod v1.6.
Setting Up So We Can Do Mods
- Put "XBig.exe" in the directory Data".
- Run CMD (the dosbox window).
- Type in: cd "Data"
- Type in: xbig.exe e system.xbg
- When it's finished you'll find a lot of new files in the "Data" folder.
System.xbg unpacks into a lot of files with the *.xscr extension, and these
are the files that you can edit to Mod the game.
- Rename "system.xbg" to "system.bak" for backup purposes.
- Important: for this step we will use one of the two "Blank*.xbig" files:
* Use "Blank.xbig" - if you have the English retail version of the game.
* Use "Blank - Russian.xbig" if you have the cracked Russian version (but
installed with the English language).
* Copy the appropriate file into the "Data" folder".
- Rename the appropriate file from the above step to "System.xbg".
- Notice that XBIG becomes XBG. this is important!
- The purpose of the above steps is to fool the game into using this new
"System.xbg" file, which is really blank, so the game has to use the other
file that you unpacked from the original "system.xbg".
- Backup all the new folders and the "*.xscr" files so you can edit them, etc.
Modding To Make The Game A Little Better
Ok, now to do some modding to make the game a little better:
File: Default.cfg
walkSpeed 0.0014 // old value: 0.0016
runSpeed 0.0033
walkFrInterval 90 // old value: 100
runFrInterval 100
rotateInterval 100
Removing a single zero after decimal point in walkSpeed and runSpeed values will significally speed up units animation in battles.
// All types of movement
speed 0.015
// When following an object, how far from the center of the screen it is
// allowed to go
follow_dist 4
// How far from the unit to jump when shooting
preshoot_jump 0
// Wait this time after jumping to the unit before creating the bullet
preshoot_delay 500
// How long to wait looking at the explosion before shooting the next bullet
// from burst shoot
shoot_retreat_delay 1000
Doing the same to speed value here will make camera do it's "selection scroll" so much faster.
File: consts.xscr
To change how many technicians and scientists you get with each lab/workshop:
To change the economy and how much stuff buys/sells for, just increase:
const float BUY_SELL_PRICE_NORMAL = 0.3;
// Normal buy/sell price is 30% from production price
// Unknown ship item price is 10% from buyPrice
FOR SIGHT RANGE to increase range of view (these are MY settings).
This will be MUCH better on the map and give you better viewing degrees:
const float SIGHT_H_ANGLE = PI/1.5;
const float SIGHT_V_ANGLE = PI/1.5;
I also increased the RANGE and made the range for the AI the same instead of greater than mine (but you can just increase each by 2 and leave the aliens with an advantage if you want):
const int SIGHT_RANGE = 16;
const int AI_SIGHT_RANGE = 16;
You might want to set it to 18 and 20 instead of 16 and 16 to give you and the AI an even bigger boost and let the aliens keep their advantage (only slightly).
This explains how to enable the debug/cheats and what is available after you enable them.
To unlock TONS of debug and cheat hot keys, open up Const.xscr and change
const bool debugKeys = false;
const bool debugKeys = true;
Now all of the debug and cheat keys will work. Here are all the various cheats and debug keys that now work:
Tactical Mode Hot Keys:
Shift + Arrow Keys Rotate camera around and change viewing angle freely.
Numpad +- Zoom camera in and out.
Numpad / & * Change camera perspective.
Numpad 1-9 Number keys moves the camera around.
Numpad Enter Returns the camera to default settings.
Numpad Del Resets camera lock-on/center. E.G. when it locks on to
follow a bullet or scroll to your soldier starting to move
you can tap this.
Numpad Ins Instantly centers camera on your selected unit.
Pause Use pause key to disable that grid/s.
PgUp/PgDown Switch elevation levels.
Arrow Keys Move your units. (Un)fortunately you also move through
walls and impassable tiles when doing that.
Spacebar Press it during aliens' turn to end their turn immediately.
S Fully reveals fog of war and grants complete viewing range.
L Kills all foes instantly. End turn to win.
A Auto-battle. The PC takes over and plays instead of you.
Press space to regain control.
1,2,3,4,5 Equips currently selected soldier in different kinds of
armor, 1 being the worst, 5 being the best.
O If vitality parameter of currently selected soldier is >
35, decreases it by 5 each time you press the key.
P If vitality is |