100.000 Gold |
Theres 100.000 gold in Dagoth ur's Ciridil in a lock 100 and traped chest in the Lorkan Heart Room. It might be hard to find but it will be worth it!
Ball Fell: Talking Mudcrab |
Northeast of Bal Fell is a a rich talking Mudcrab. He is directly across from Releth Ancestrial Tomb. He has 10,000 gp and buys items full price (unless they are broken). He will buy most items. If you manage to find him and you have a spell called Mark use it there. If you Mark it, you can cast a spell called Recall to warp there. Do not kill him. You will need him after you get farther in the game and need someone to sell items to.
Boost All Weapon Stats |
Use the following trick to boost all your weapon stats, with the exception of Hand-to-Hand. Note: The boost is the same as previous methods mentioned; the only exception is that you are activating all of the bound spells for each weapon at one time, then pressing the appropriate trigger buttons and holding them throughout. First, acquire all bound "weapon" spells that cover the weapon stats. Make sure you have a spell that raises long blade, short blade, blunt weapon, etc. (one of each bound-type in your magic list). Depending on how much magicka you have, you may have to enable the "Change magicka level" code to ensure your magicka continues to rise as you cast the spells. Cast all of the bound "weapon" spells one after another. Once all of them are active, hold X + L and watch the weapons switch out rapidly. As they switch, the stats associated with each type of weapon will rise tremendously. You can do this as many times as desired until the spell expires. To continue boosting your stats, simply re-do the spells and hold the appropriate buttons your controller.
Bountiless For Free |
When you speak with Sugar-Lips Habasi at the South Wall Cornerclub in Balmora, he will remove the bounty from your character for a price. However, if you take the time to leave your money on the floor beforehand, you can get rid of your bounty and keep most (if not all) of your gold.
To find the Daedric Crescent Blade (a legendary item) go to Tel Fyr. On a table beside Devithe Fyr there is a key to plunder the dungeon, take the key he wont mind. Plunder the dungeon until you find the Daedric sanctuary amulet. Put the amulet on and it will teleport you to a daedric shrine. Once there beat the dremora and it will appear in your inventory.
Early Money |
To make money at the start of the game you need to steal. In Balmora take the silt strider to Ald-ruhn or Molag-Marr. When you are there go to the gaurd towers and look in the boxes. Hopefully you come across expensive Bonemold armor. Take the Bonemold armor and travel to Caldera by the Mages Guild. When in Caldera head straight until you come to the first right. Turn right and there will be a building to your left. Go into this building called Gohrak Manor. Head upstairs to the Scamp. His name is Creeper. He is the only merchant that will give you a fair price for everything. what ever you do this is the only merchant in the game who you don't want to kill. Eventually his money will regenerate its self so you can keep trading with him.
Easy Money |
After traveling to Balmora in the beginning of the game, stop by Ravi'ir the traders house. A fairly heavy weapon such as axe or longsword of some sort is also required, which can be acquired from the Armorer a few shops down. Walk up to him and begin to bash his face in. You will have a decent fight on your hands -- save before undertaking this challenge. You should win if you remember to keep hacking. This slight case of murder early in the game will earn you the "Fiend Katana", and "Fiend Tanto". One is worth 9000 gold and the other is 3000 gold. You will also get three other enchanted weapons. Sell them to the Armorer across the street or keep them to have extremely powerful weapons early in the game. He also has an armory in the back of his house which can be raided and sold.
Easy Money/Levels |
Once you've made it to Balmora go to the Fine Alchemist in the northwest section, right next to the clothier. Find the crate with the full set of Master's alchemy equipment. Hide behind the corner and steal it all. Then, go to the Mages guild and find Ajira in the basement. Buy her five kwama eggs and crab meats, then sell it back to her. Do this over and over until she has a hundred or so of each. Buy them from her and then go to your inventory and use the stolen equipment. Enter the hundred kwama eggs and crab meat as ingredients and start making potions. This will be a lot easier if you have a high alchemy skill. After you've made your restore fatigue potions go back to the alchemist and sell them to her. (She can't buy them all at once, so sleep 24 hours after she spends all her money, and she'll have another set of 3000 gold. You can repeat this process as much as you want until you have enough money. Then go out and get trained. This is tidious, but highly rewarding. I'm at level 52 right now.
Full Glass Armor For Free |
First, read "The pilgrim's path at someone's bookstore. It will reveal Ghostgate and some other areas on your map. Next, get a scroll of lock and an Almsivi Intervention scroll (NOT DIVINE)from anyone you can find or learn the spell. Next, go to Ghostgate, east of Ald Ruhn. Go into the tower of Dusk, and go down the stairs. You'll find a Dark Elf in plain clothes who sells all pieces of Glass. You'll recognize him by his room, being surrounded by Glass Armor. Lock the door behind you, and beat his face in. He wields a Warhammer, so be pepared. You'll also get a bounty, but Almsivi Intervention will take you out after you swipe all the glass you can carry.
After this, use Almsivi Intervention. Once at the nearest temple, drop all of your stolen items so the guards don't confiscate it. Pay the fine and pick up the glass. Congrats. You've got armor or cash!
Warning- Glass armor is a light armor, if you use Unamored, Medium Armor or Heavy Armor, this quest might not be for you.
Good Armor |
The place to get some really good armor is at Ghostgate. In one of the rooms, there is glass armor and glass weapons. Find out a way to steal it.
Health Glitch |
During The Game, press The button on your controller (B) go to the very top to your health and then press the folllowing buttons: Black, White, Black, Black, Black. After you have pressed these buttons, your health should recharge every time you get hit.
Infinite Arrows |
Equip a bow, then any arrow. Hold Attack to pull the arrow back. Enter the inventory screen with the arrow still pulled back. You may now release Attack. Unequip the arrows and resume the game. It will now continue to shoot the arrow. After it fires, it will not count that arrow to be missing.
Instant Skill Raise |
First you most collect enough gold to get any Bound Weapon, once you have it, equip it then hold X to get it into attack position, I repeat hold it, then press and hold left and right triggers ate same time. I did this for 2 mins. and gained around a 100 points in that weapons skill.
Keep Stolen Items |
Use the following trick to keep your stolen items if you get caught. Rather than paying someone to relieve the bounty on your head, drop everything in your inventory, except gold, somewhere you will remember. The objects will not be removed from the game. Then, pay a guard. You will not lose your stolen items and the bounty will be gone. As an additional bonus, the person you stole from will not attack you anymore or be sour towards you.
Legitemate Training |
Go to Dura Gra-Bols house in Balmora, by the riverfront. Go to the top floor and there should be some crates to your right. Search them until you find Gravewood Amulet (or something similar). What this amulet does is allows to summon skeletons without using Magica. Summon a skeleton, then kill it with whatever weapon you want. Repeat the process until the Amulet runs out of energy. Rest 24 hours to restore the Amulet and repeat until you are at 100 skill. Or use the cheat code.
Magic Refill |
While playing the game press the B button to go into the character screen. Then go to the stats screen and go to the magic bar and press the following: Black, Black, White, White, Black, White. Then hold down the A button and hit the B button your magic should refill every time you use a spell (NOTE: This cheat will end and you will have to do it over again when you go back into the inventory screen)
Really Good Light Chest Plate |
First you need to go to Sadrith Mora then go to Tel Fry which is on a island a little bit south west of Sadrith Mora. Then go to the top level once you get there. There will be a dresser with a 100 lock level, break into that and there will be a cuirass called Saviors Hide.
Restore Magicka, Health And Fatigue |
During gameplay, press B to bring up the menus. Use R and L Triggers till you reach the stats menu. Enter the codes and then press A over the specified attribute until full.
Health- white~black-x4
Magicka- black~white-x2~black~white
Fatigue- black-x2~white-x2~back
Unlimited Fatigue |
While playing the game press the B button hit the R trigger until you get to the stats screen. Then go to the fatigue bar and press the following: Black, Black, White, White, Black. Then hold the A button and hit B. (NOTE: When you go back to the menu you will have to do the cheat over again)