Trophy | How to unlock |
Artifact Hunter (Bronze) | Find 10 artifacts
Climber (Bronze) | Do more than 2 wall-jumps that include zig-zag jumps
Exploration of Andaman Sea (Bronze) | Complete the exploration of Andaman Sea
Exploration of Croft Residence (Bronze) | Complete the exploration of Croft Residence
Grenadier (Bronze) | Kill 2 enemies with 1 grenade
Investigation of the Mediterranean Ruins (Bronze) | Complete the investigation of the Mediterranean Ruins
Investigation of the North Pole Sea Ruins (Bronze) | Complete the investigation of the North Pole Sea Ruins
Investigation of the South Mexico Ruins (Bronze) | Complete the investigation of South Mexico Ruins
Investigation of the Thailand Ruins (Bronze) | Complete the investigation of the Thailand Ruins
Investigations of the Yanmaien Island Ruins (Bronze) | Complete the investigation of the Yanmaien Island Ruins
Master Artifact Hunter (Gold) | Find 6 artifacts
Master Climber (Silver) | Do more than 4 wall-jumps that include zig-zag jumps
Master Grenadier (Silver) | Kill 3 enemies with 1 grenade
Master of Tomb Raider: Underworld (Platinum) | Get all the trophies in the game
Master Roadkiller (Silver) | Kill 5 enemies with your motorcycle
Master Speed Demon (Gold) | Do all three speed demon challenges
Master Swan Diver (Gold) | Do all three swan dives
Master Treasure Hunter (Gold) | Find 179 treasures
Passionate Artifact Hunter (Silver) | Find 3 artifacts
Passionate Treasure Hunter (Silver) | Find 100 treasures
Prologue (Bronze) | Clear the prologue
Roadkiller (Bronze) | Kill an enemy with your motorcycle
Skilled Treasure Hunter (Silver) | Find 50 treasures
Speed Demon 1 (Bronze) | Rush towards and enter Xibalba. (45 seconds?)
Speed Demon 2 (Bronze) | Rush downwards to the bottom of Valgrind. (50 seconds?)
Speed Demon 3 (Bronze) | Rush and break through the Valhalla Maze. (40 seconds?)
Survival Master (Silver) | Complete the game in the hardest difficulty
Swan Diver I (Bronze) | Swan dive from the platform on top of the Craken`s head
Swan Diver II (Bronze) | Swan dive from the platform that is at the top of the large ship in the Mediterranean
Swan Diver III (Bronze) | Swan dive from the platform into the ocean in Thailand
Treasure Hunter (Bronze) | Find 10 treasures
Weapon Expert (Bronze) | Do an adrenaline attack headshot
Weapon Master (Silver) | Do 10 adrenaline attack headshots