Alternate Ex Files Menu Music |
Successfully complete the game and save when prompted. Load the cleared game file and open the Ex Files menu to hear new music. |
Character Encyclopedia |
Unlock EX File Keys 7, 8 and 9 to unlock the Character Encyclopedia. |
Character Voice Library |
Unlock EX File Keys 1, 4 and 7 to unlock the Character Voice Library. |
Easy Experience |
There is an enemy in the game called Grow Apple (or Super Grow Apple). If you find one and have Arnaud leveled up enough with the move "Shut Out", use it immediately at the enemy HEX. This prevents the Apple from running away. If you have Yulie's "Quicken" ability, then use it on Arnaud as soon as possible so that he can use more abilities. Have Arnaud lower the Apple's speed with "Slow Down", and resistance and defense with "Fragile". If you have the "Extent" ability, then use it so the effects will not go away for another twenty turns. You must then use Yulie's "Quicken" ability to increase a HEX near the Apple so Jude can move to it. Also remember to use Jude's "Mystic" ability, and to use a Lucky Card on everyone to double experience. Finally, if you have enough time remaining and are leveled up enough, use Arnaud's "Hyper" ability on Jude to double his attack. Jude's HEX should now have WPN up and RFX up. The Apple's HEX should have RFX down, RES down, DEF down, and also Extent and Lock. Now, use Jude's Assault Buster (the most important attack you can use) to defeat the Apple. This will result in massive damage (sometimes about 300,000 and up, depending on your level). The Grow Apples give you an amount of experience equal to the damage you do to them minus 1. You also will get more experience if you gave Jude a few Growth Egg Badges, and Jude will get about 0.7 more experience for defeating the enemy. If you defeat a Super Grow Apple, the results are doubled (which can add up to over 2 million experience points). Note: This has the exact same effect with the Melchoms and Melchom Lichs to give you a large amount of Gella. These monsters can be found in three floor mini-dungeons around the game.
During your journey, you will sometimes encounter a creature named "Grow Apple". It's a level 1 enemy with 1 HP and has resistances on all attributes (fire, wind, water, earth). Kill him with a normal attack (non-magic) or else he will flee. If you kill him, he will give you an experience point equivalent to the amount of damage that you inflicted him. Note: The experience is doubled for the character used to kill him.
In Mim'krilu Skyway, you will encounter an enemy named "Flauros". It is a level 25 silver tiger-like creature that has an attribute "Soft". This means it is vulnerable to normal or physical attacks. Kill the other enemies, leaving Flauros alone. Then, surround him with your characters and hit him with normal attacks to give him a small amount of damage. Flauros will respond with a counterattack, but it will not do any damage to you. Instead, he will divide into two. Continuously hit him with normal attacks, killing one Flauros and repeat the process, making him divide into two. You can repeat this as many times as desired. Just make sure you do not kill them both. Note: For best results use Jude's Mystic with Lucky Card to gain more experience. |
Ex File Key 1 |
Defeat Ragu O Ragla to unlock Ex File Key 1. |
Ex File Key 2 |
Get at least 1500 Gella in Single Acc mode to unlock Ex File Key 2. |
Ex File Key 3 |
Accumulate a total of at least 24 hours of game play time to unlock Ex File Key 3. |
Ex File Key 4 |
Successfully complete all 30 Coliseum challenges to unlock Ex File Key 4. |
Ex File Key 5 |
Successfully complete the game to unlock Ex File Key 5. |
Ex File Key 6 |
Damage a single enemy with at least 50,000 points to unlock Ex File Key 6. |
Ex File Key 7 |
Defeat all 235 opponents in the Monster Picture Book to unlock Ex File Key 7. |
Ex File Key 8 |
Win at least 200 battles to unlock Ex File Key 8. |
Ex File Key 9 |
Get a "Gold Star" rank in all twelve ROM Extra Challenges to unlock Ex File Key 9. |
EX New Game |
Unlock EX File Keys 2, 5 and 8 to unlock the EX New Game. |
EX Status View |
Unlock EX File Keys 3, 6 and 9 to unlock the EX Status View. |
Monster Encyclopedia |
Unlock EX File Keys 1, 2 and 3 to unlock the Monster Encyclopedia. |
Opening And Ending Movies |
Unlock EX File Keys 4, 5 and 6 to unlock the opening and ending movies. |
Quad Flauros |
In Mim'krilu Skyway, after the save point, walk further until you see a big boulder of thick walls and two switches. The first is on the big floating brick and second is down next to it. Stomp on the second switch. You will see a wall that is blocking in some way rise up. Stomp on the first switch. The floating brick will move and it will bring you to an isolated place. Walk around to find some battles. If you encounter Flauros, four will appear instead of two. Note: There is a pink diamond in the middle of that isolated place. That crystal contains a very strong monster (level 90). If you find the key for the activation of that crystal, save the game first or you may lose your progress. The key is located two stages before the Boss fight with the Twin Dolls (Fior and Asia). |
Unlockable Force Abilities (Combination Arts) |
Combination Arts are learned randomly. However there are a number of necessary conditions that must first be fulfilled. First, the characters that take part in the combination must be in the same hex. Next, sufficient FP to perform the art must also be available. Additionally, the characters cannot be under the influence of a negative status effect.
Single Character (25 FP or 1 Bar)
Mystic: Jude
Material: Yulie
Jump: Arnaud
Intrude: Raquel
Dual Character (50 FP or 2 Bars)
Rousing Strike: Jude, Yulie
Blade Driver: Jude, Arnaud
Dual Brand: Jude, Raquel
Sorcery Grenade: Yulie, Arnaud
Mind Recovery: Yulie, Raquel
Genocide: Arnaud, Raquel
Triple Character (75 FP or 3 Bars)
Magus Canon: Jude, Yulie, Raquel
Cyclone Wheel: Jude, Yulie, Raquel
Riot Fencer: Jude, Arnaud, Raquel
Retreat Wave: Yulie, Arnaud, Raquel
Quadruple Character (100 FP or Full Bar)
Hi: Material: All four characters
Arc Impulse: All four characters |