From the Johnson house in the Ganton area, go straight until you are in the front yard of the house opposite of yours. Turn right, and go behind it by going between that house and the one next to it. Go in the backyard until you are in the corner. You should see a pistol. Take it, then get back to Grove Street. If you see man, usually in black, that is standing there with his arms crossed, shoot him. He usually carries about $2,000 or more and a pistol, because he is a drug dealer. Repeat this to get easy money. Kill him quickly before he shoots you. It is possible to get $50,000 in one day by doing this. Upon exiting the Johnson house in Grove Street, walk straight toward the house opposite of yours, which is the one that sometimes has the BMX bike in the front yard, until you are in the grass. Go to your right between that house and the one next to it. Walk toward the corner and get the pistol. Go back to Grove Street and find a drug dealer. He is dressed in black with his hands crossed down at his hips. You will know he is a drug dealer because if you face him, he will try to do business. You will get a pop-up display in the top-right part of your screen on how to respond to him, even though you cannot actually buy anything. If you shoot and kill him, he drops $2,000 dollars or more, and a gun just like that one you picked up. He will shoot back -- try to get a headshot. There is another drug dealer that is wearing a white hooded sweatshirt that does the same thing. He can usually be found up in the northeast part of Los Santos. You can find these dealers all over Los Santos in the areas littered with gangs. Go to the building with the parachute. When you get to the top, spawn a Caddy. Get in and drive slowly towards the edge of the building, then just fall off. You will begin to flip slowly. However, if you nudge the edge of the building, the Caddy will spin and flip like crazy. When you hit the ground, you will get a very large insane stunt bonus. Find the Inside Track Betting building in the Downtown area. Bet the maximum amount on the horse with the worst odds. If you lose, reload the game and try again. When you win, it will be a substantial amount. Go to the Pig Pen Strip Club. You can jump on the big stage with the srtipper. Stand directly in front of her, and people will throw $100 to her each time, which you can collect. Be very careful not to touch her, or the guards will start shooting at you. This cheat takes awhile; eat before you go. Get a weapon, then stand outside the your house in the Ganton area. Shoot your homies (wearing green). Some of them will drop a lot of money. Pick it up, and if you have a wanted level go inside and save the game. Repeat this to get a large amount of money. This trick requires maximum bike skill for both motorcycles and a regular bike. Go to the highest building in Los Santos, the circular one, and jump off using either the motorcycle or bike. While you are in mid-air, you can spin for a little bit or try to do a back flip. Stay on the bikes until you land and you will receive an insane stunt bonus for over $200. Enable the "Kinky theme" code and enter the Ganton area with a nice car. Drive up the alley were the burglar truck is located. Park there and within seconds prostitutes will approach. Press Left to accept their offer, then get out of your car and kill them when they are done. You will get more money than paid.