Take a gun and shoot out the tires of the pimpmobile. Then, shoot the car until the smoke turns black. Next, get a gun that you can do drive bys with. If you do not have one, go behind the building and by a pole for the bridge to find one. When you get into the club through the windows, meet Jizzy and just run out of the club after him. When you are out there, the pimpmobile should be in the same condition that you left it. It is easier to blow up his car. Additionally, before you go into the club, shoot out the tires of his Pimpmobile. Get in the club, chase him out, and he will get into the car even with blown tires. You just run after him, and pull him out of the car. Outside the club are two limos along with Jizzy's car. Before entering the club through the skylight, park one limo in front of his car and the other behind his car, blocking it in. It will remain this way when Jizzy exits the club and tries to escape, making it easy to run up and pull him out of the car before he can drive off. Also, "high center" Jizzy's car on the grassy median along the boardwalk prior to entering the club. He will not be able to drive off it before you reach the car to pull him out. Additionally, before entering the club, blow up Jizzy's car rather than just shooting off the tires or decreasing its health. Then when Jizzy tries to escape, he will be forced to do so in a Pizzaboy scooter. Just knock him off his bike and kill him with an M4 or any other gun. Instead of trying to get out and get in jizzy's car, just follow him for awhile. He will get out of the car, and you can shoot him.