You must keep ramming him and do the "PIT" maneuver as taught in driving school. His car will come next to you. When it does, shoot him with a drive by. His car will catch on fire and he will get out. He will shoot at you. You must shoot at him first and he will die. Additionally, before you start, get a RPG or a homing rocket launcher. Then, enable the "Cars fly away" code. When you start the mission, get the dune buggy nearby and ram Eddie's car. It will float away slowly, then it will hover. While it is hovering, get out of the dune buggy and shoot him down with the RPG or homing rocket launcher; it will blow up and fall down. Sometimes when you drive out of the ghost town, at the of the intersection of the dirt road leading out of the ghost town and the road leading to the Sherman Dam, Pulaski will go too fast on the left turn, go wide, and crash into a road sign on the side of the road. Block him and hijack his car. Drive into the water just north of the Sherman Dam. Do not go too fast though, or you will lose Pulaski and fail the mission. Exit the car and just stay in the water. Pulaski will run after you after you steal his car, and end up walking into the water. Pulaski cannot swim, and will drown. You will have killed Pulaski without using cheats or bullets. Before you start mission, equip a sniper riffle. When the Pulaski runs for the car, aim and zoom in. You will have enough time to flatten the front and the rear tire. Then, hop in the Sand Rail next to the cemetery and follow his car. Watch him; he will be swerving all over the place. This will give you enough time to shoot at the car or pull him out and shoot him.