Stay Inside The Pelican (Assault On The Control Room) :
This is NOT A CHEAT!!!! It is just very funny!!! OK, so as soon as you get off the Pelican(the big ship that you see at the first cutseen in the level) press X and you will get back in. NOTE to press it AFTER you get off(you get off automatically) and time carefully. The pelican will take off with you in the sideseat. NOTE YOU ARE JUST IN THE SIDESEAT!!!!! After it takes off, some covenants will attack you. They won't kill you. Don't stay in the Pelican for too long(instructions on how to do a safe evacuation at bottom) or sooner or later, everything will turn lightblue, and you will fall from the ship, on a cliff to your death. Your new checkpoint begins at the point the Pelican takes off, until you reach a new one. Now, to get out, you must make sure that you are still JUST taking off. Press 'X', I know you're surprised, but here's the hard part: surviving the fall, which is still a long ways up. You may have heard of this glitch before, but at any heights in which you WON'T die while you're in the air, but rather when you hit the ground, as you hit the ground, push the right stick on your controller inward. This is how you crouch, as I'm SURE you're aware, or atleast, now you are. Well, I'm happy with the knowledge that you are ready to try without losing a BIT of your shield. NOTE that if you time your fall incorrectly, you will lose both shield and health and there is no healthpack nearby. FROM THE PELICAN you can shoot foes, and look around. NO MOVING, and at certain points your aim is readjusted. ENJOY! |