This, for me, was the hardest level by far. Fortunately, it is the last level so if you follow this guide, you'll have completed the game.
First of all, there's Alberto Chaves (The blue one). To defeat him, you need to press square twice and then roll out of the way (R1 + L). It is easy to lose life fighting him but if you do it right and wait for him to finnish his attack, you should be fine.
Next there's Benito Chaves (the red fat one). He was the easiest for me. Attack him as you did Alberto but rather than rolling out of the way, hold R1 to block him. You won't get hurt from him, only the gunmen which you can easily take out. Alberto will still be there so just try to avoid him. Try to single him out and attack him, it will be much easier than fighting both brothers at once. What I do is they both gang up on you, restart.
When you do enough damage, the final brother will come out (the green one). He is the hardest to defeat if you don't know how to because he's got a fire whip. Fighting him, it will be easier if you play as Jack Sparrow. Try to avoid guards and the other two brothers until you have beaten him. Use Jack's grog bombs and throw them at him until he dies. If you run out before he dies, go onto Will and use his hatchets. The Hatchets do less damage so it is advisable to start with Jack.
Once you have defeated him, go onto the others as explained before.
After you have beaten all of them, you will see a cut scene of the Black Pearl being blown to bits by cannons. If you tried the level before, you were probably running about the place trying to fund the cannon so you could stop them working but you can't. Ignore the guards (only fight them if you have to as it will waste time) and run like hell to the Black Pearl. Then use the cannons on The Black Pearl to kill guards shooting at you and destroy the wall. When you have done this, a cut-scene will follow on the Black Pearl (I think it's the Black Pearl) and you have completed the game!