Kill Master Chief In Cinematic :
This is only possible to do in co-op mode, so get a friend to help out.
Near the end of "Assault on the Control Room", at the base of the big pyramid-type building, rush over and steal a Ghost from the two parked ones.
Get the Ghost (in one piece) to the top of the pyramid (Get your friend to do the fighting while you take care of the Ghost). Open the large blast doors, kill whatever is in your way, and keep going down the hallway.
When you reach the VERY LAST door (ie. The one that triggers the cinematic), stop. Line the Ghost up with the centre of the door as best as you can, and back it up about one or two Ghost-lengths away. Have your friend hit the switch to open the door, wait a half-second or so, and then gun it towards the door.
If your timing was right, the Ghost should JUST fit between the doors, and during the cinematic the Ghost (now without a pilot) will mow down Master Chief from behind, killing him. The cinematic will go on as normal, except for the absence of Master Chief (you will still hear his voice, though). Also, in certain camera angles, you will see Master Chief's corpse in different poses, such as tilting 45 degrees to the left with his gun stuck in the ground.
It will work more than once (I've done it three times so far), and it just looks damn funny to see Master Chief get run down by his own Ghost. Props to The Fiend for co-piloting. |