Always carry at least 5 Pokeballs. That way if you run into a rare Pokemon, you've got a chance of catching it.
Always select a Pokemon Box that's got room for 2-3 more Pokemon in it. Because I've run into rare Pokemon before that I hadn't caught yet, used Pokeball, but it said my currently selected pokemon box was FULL.
When you get to the Elite 4, make sure all your Pokemon in your party are at least at level 60. At least!
Get the Hm that teaches FLY as soon as you can and teach it to a bird Pokemon. VERY useful for getting places.
Don't buy Antidote, Awakening, Ice heal, etc.
Why? Because all you have to do is walk/ride to pokemon center and they usually aren't very far off. Or, even easier, use FLY to get a PK Center. Further in the game you will realize that you will need to buy many Potions, Pokeballs, etc. Save your cash!
Teach a Pokemon 2 moves of its same type. Not 1 or 3. One Physical move and one move that is a different type. That way, you've got a wide area to choose from.
Hydro Pump
You CAN'T get Missingno in this version.
All the Pokemon look a little different. They also learn diffrent moves at different levels, They are also found in different areas.
All Pokemon from red and blue versions are here.
Store all the disposel items (like keys: items you only use once in the whole game) in the PC. So if want to pick an item from the ground, you'll have room!
Don't play the slots. You hardley ever win and even if you do get a good haul, you'll probably NEVER get over 1000 coins. plus, your GB battery can only take so much! This is a POKEMON game!
In case you didn't know:
this game rocks. |