You probably know this one, but incase you don't, or you need a better discription, I'll tell you. To get your items duplicated, go to Veridian City and go north and talk to th little man who shows you how to cacth Pokémon, and answer NO to hiis question. After his 'lesson', Fly to Cinnibar Isl. and walk to the right edge. Surf up and down the coast of the right edge until you run into Missingno. He's a glitch in the game, so pay no mind to him. Don't catch him, because if you do, there is about a 90% chance your game will mess up. Just fight him or run. Make sure the item you want duplicated is in the sixth slot of your item box. You can have unlimited rare candies, iron, calcium, master balls, poké balls, escape ropes, whatever. Not keys or bikes or rods or anything like that though. Just power ups and balls, and helpy items. |