Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
200 Stories of Sheer Adventure! (Silver) | Complete Lotus Towers on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
A Second Chance (Silver) | Complete New World on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Another Side of the Story (Bronze) | Complete the Campaign on any difficulty.
Battle Tested (Bronze) | Reach Commander (Level 55) in Multiplayer while playing online.
Beat CoP (Bronze) | In Shadows of Evil, summon the Civil Protector in every district in a single game.
Belly of the Beast (Silver) | Complete Provocation on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Biff! Bap! KaPow! (Bronze) | Kill three enemies in a melee combo.
Blood for Blood (Silver) | Complete Vengeance on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Can't Hide (Bronze) | In Campaign, kill an enemy through a wall or obstruction.
Crackshot (Bronze) | In Campaign, kill 5 enemies from over 100m away.
Curator (Silver) | Discover all of the collectibles in the Campaign.
Deadly Specialist (Bronze) | Get a Specialist-based medal that requires 3 or more rapid kills while using any Specialist Weapon.
Decimator (Bronze) | In Campaign, kill 10 enemies in under 3 seconds.
Disavowed (Silver) | Complete Black Ops on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Doing Camo Right (Bronze) | In Campaign, unlock all camos for any weapon.
Fly, Swim, Shoot (Silver) | Complete Sand Castle on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Foe To Friend (Bronze) | Use an enemy combat robot to kill 10 enemies.
For real this time (Bronze) | Earn a Gold Rating in the training simulator.
Friends and Foes (Silver) | Complete Rise and Fall on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
From the Shadows (Bronze) | In Shadows of Evil, spot the Shadowman fives times in one game.
Full Circle (Silver) | Complete Campaign on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Gun Game (Bronze) | In Campaign, kill 5 enemies with 5 different guns in under 30 seconds.
High Tide (Silver) | Complete In Darkness on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Hold Still! (Bronze) | Kill 6 enemies affected by one Blinding Swarm or Firefly Swarm.
In Their Sleep (Bronze) | In Campaign, kill 5 stunned enemies in under 3 seconds.
Inertial Distance (Bronze) | In Campaign, wall run over 250 meters.
Into the Abyss (Silver) | Complete Hypocenter on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Lock, Stock, And Then Some (Bronze) | In Campaign, unlock all attachments for any weapon.
Margwa Party (Bronze) | In Shadows of Evil, kill 2 Margwas in a single round.
Maximum Firepower (Bronze) | Take control of an ASP.
No One Will Believe You (Silver) | Complete the Campaign on Realistic.
Not out of Gobblegum! (Bronze) | In Shadows of Evil, purchase and chew every type of GobbleGum in your Pack.
Parasite-Seeing (Bronze) | In Shadows of Evil, kill 5 Parasites while riding on the train.
Personal Decorator (Gold) | Earn all Decorations.
Platinum (Platinum) | Awarded when all other trophies have been unlocked.
Rolling Heavy (Bronze) | Kill 5 enemies using one burst of Unstoppable Force.
Silverback In Black (Bronze) | Hack the Data Vault and brace yourself for Cyber's Avengening in Dead Ops Arcade 2.
Sorry, we’re DEAD (Bronze) | In Shadows of Evil, kill 10 zombies that are inside of a store in one game.
Sting like a Talon (Bronze) | In Campaign, kill 20 enemies while flying the same Talon.
Strike! (Bronze) | In Shadows of Evil, use the rocket shield attack to kill at least 10 zombies in one burst.
Tactical Specialist (Bronze) | Get 5 Medals based on a Specialist Ability in a single game.
The Beginning of the End (Silver) | In Shadows of Evil, complete all Rituals.
The Spider and the Fly (Bronze) | In Shadows of Evil, kill 10 zombies ensnared by a Widow’s Wine grenade.
Throwing Flak (Bronze) | Kill 3 Talons with a single mid-air grenade detonation.
Understanding Madness (Silver) | Complete Demon Within on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Unlocked Potential (Bronze) | Fully upgrade a Cybernetics Core.
Walking Encyclopedia (Bronze) | Discover all of the collectibles in any Mission.
Welcome to the Club (Bronze) | Reach Sergeant (Level 10) in Multiplayer while playing online.