Display the Seed entry prompt at the "Character Select" menu. Note: In the PC version, press [Tab]. Enter one of the following seed codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Entering a seed code will prevent achievements and trophies from being earned. Additionally some codes may delete your saved game file.
Effect | Seed Code
All enemies have permanently feared | FEAR M1NT
All floors have the basement room tile set | BASE MENT
All items except troll bombs mimic Issac's movement | KEEP AWAY
CRT display | B00B T00B
Can destroy rocks | NFB8 3WSG
Character and tears turn black | PTCH BLCK
Character leaves fecal trail | BRWN SNKE
Character only visible as brown shadow | CAM0 K1DD
Character takes double damage | HARD HARD
Concussive enemies that move randomly | C0NF ETT1
Doors open immediately, tears are harmless;Boss's health act as timers | PAC1 F1SM or PAC1 F1ST
Easier game | 1337 HAXR
Eligible enemies become champions | CHAM P10N
Enemies become feared randomly | FRAI DN0T
Enemies fight each other | C0CK FGHT or CLST RPH0
Enemies only visible as brown shadows | CAM0 F0ES
Enemies respawn when character leaves room;new items do not drop | C0ME BACK
Grey character | KAPP A
Invisible character except for surrounding light effect | 1MN0 B0DY
Invisible enemies | BL1N DEYE
Jumbled in-game text | DYSL EX1C
Large pools of blood when enemies die | BL00 00DY
Load screen always displays "Are You Sure You Want Me To Die?" | 1TEN DSHE or SUPA SWAG
Pill names and descriptions appear as ??? | MED1 C1NE
Reversed controls | DRAW KCAB
Slow motion while character is idle;music speed altered with movement speed | SL0W 4ME2
Sound effects replaced with farts | FART SNDS
Start with 69 coins and have to purchase all items and pickups | FREE 2PAY or PAY2 PLAY
Take damage when idle | D0NT ST0P
Tarot cards are face down when collected | FACE D0WN
The lower your health, the slower the music | HART BEAT
Ticking starts every 45 seconds,after 5 seconds Isaac takes half heart of damage | THEG H0ST