You will need 5 glowstone, 2 sticky pistons, 1 lever, & 7 redstone dusts. Place 1 sticky piston on flat land. Place another sticky piston on top of the one you just placed. Put the glowstone beside the sticky piston. The entire structure should be 2x2 so far. Place 1 glowstone behind the bottom sticky piston. Put redstone dust on the glowstone you just place. Put another redstone dust behie it so it gets on the ground. Facing the back of the sticky piston, place 2 redstone dusts to the left. Still facing the back of the sticky piston, place 3 redstone dusts forward. Place a lever at the end of the redstone dust. Go back to the front where you placed the 2 glowstone a in the beginning. Skipping a block space, place 2 glowstones (1 on top of the other). Step in between the 2 stacks of 2 glowstone. Flip the switch. If you look down, you should see the ground underneath (caves, abandoned mineshafts, the End Portal????).
P.S: instead of glowstone you can use TNT, but I recommend using glowstone