Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding objective.
Objective | How to unlock
10000 points | Get a score of 10,000 points.
100000 points | Get a score of 100,000 points.
1024 square | Get your first 1024 square.
1024 Star | Complete 1024 mode.
128 square | Get your first 128 square.
150000 points | Get a score of 150,000 points.
16384 square | Get your first 16384 square.
200000 points | Get a score of 200,000 points.
2048 square | Get your first 2048 square.
2048 Star | Complete 2048 mode.
250000 points | Get a score of 250,000 points.
256 square | Get your first 256 square.
4096 square | Get your first 4096 square.
4096 Star | Complete 4096 mode.
5000 points | Get a score of 5,000 points.
50000 points | Get a score of 50,000 points.
512 square | Get your first 512 square.
64 square | Get your first 64 square.
8192 square | Get your first 8192 square.
All stars | Complete 1024, 2048 and 4096 modes.