Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Acquire Hardware (15 points) | Smelt an iron ingot.
Bake Bread (20 points) | Turn wheat into bread.
Benchmarking (10 points) | Craft a workbench with four blocks of wooden planks.
Cow Tipper (15 points) | Harvest some leather.
Delicious Fish (15 points) | Catch and cook a fish!
Dispense With This (20 points) | Construct a Dispenser.
Getting Wood (10 points) | Punch a tree until the block of wood pops out.
Getting an Upgrade (15 points) | Construct a better pickaxe.
Hot Topic (15 points) | Construct a furnace out of eight cobblestone blocks.
Into The Nether (40 points) | Construct a Nether Portal.
Leader Of The Pack (30 points) | Befriend five wolves.
MOAR Tools (15 points) | Construct one type of each tool (one pickaxe, one spade, one axe and one hoe).
Monster Hunter (20 points) | Attack and destroy a monster.
On A Rail (40 points) | Travel by minecart to a point at least 500m in a single direction from where you started.
Taking Inventory (10 points) | Open your inventory.
The Lie (40 points) | Bake a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and eggs!
Time to Farm! (10 points) | Use planks and sticks to make a hoe.
Time to Mine! (10 points) | Use planks and sticks to make a pickaxe.
Time to Strike! (10 points) | Use planks and sticks to make a sword.
When Pigs Fly (40 points) | Use a saddle to ride a pig, then have the pig get hurt from fall damage while riding it.