Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System. Enter login as a command. You will be prompted to login with an account. Use the following usernames and passwords to continue. You can then access their documents with the dir command or email with the mail command.
Person | Username | Password
Bruce Harris | bharris | goskins
D. King | dking | mfk
Adrienne Smith | asmith | roxy
Vannevar Bush | vbush | manhattan
Frank Woods | fwoods | philly
Grigori "Greg" Weaver | gweaver | gedeon
J. Turner | jturner | condor75
Jason Hudson | jhudson | bryant1950
John McCone | jmccone | berkley22
Joseph Bowman | jbowman | uwd
John F. Kennedy | jfkennedy | lancer
Lyndon B. Johnson | lbjohnson | ladybird
Richard Nixon | rnixon | checkers
Richard Helms | rhelms | lerosey
Richard Kain | rkain | sunwu
Ryan Jackson | rjackson | saintbridget
T. Walker | twalker | radi0
Terrance Brooks | tbrooks | lauren
William Raborn | wraborn | bromlow