Challenge | How to unlock
Ambassador's Club | Get one citizen to level 20.
Bring it On! | Recieve 10,000 damage in combat.
Budget Cuts | Spend $1,000.
Career Politician | Recruit 25 citizens.
Charitable Donation | Use 150 items.
Diplomat's Club | Get all citizens to level 30.
Early Retirement | Earn $10,000.
Easy Money | Earn $1,000.
Explorer | Discover 10 locations.
Favored To Win | Ambush 10 enemies in a row.
Finders Keepers | Find 15 treasures.
Fundraiser | Earn $3,000.
Globetrotter | Discover 30 locations.
Government Spending | Spend $3,000.
Heavy Hitter | Deal 2,500 damage in combat.
Hoarder | Collect 100 items.
House of Cards | Earn $100,000 in the Casino.
Intelligence Network | Find 100 treasures.
Junior Statesman | Recruit 5 citizens.
Master Bureaucrat | Deal 10,000 damage in combat.
Maximizing You Potential | Get one citizen to Talent Level 3.
Mud Slinger | Deal 500 damage in combat.
New Sheriff In Town | Complete all 10 Wanted Poster quests.
No Citizen Left Behind | Enroll 9 citizens simultaneously in School.
No Pardons For You | Defeat 1,000 enemies.
Odds 'n Ends | Collect 30 items.
Ouchie! | Recieve 500 damage in combat.
Out of My Way | Defeat 50 enemies.
Paparazzi | Complete all Photography quests.
Pick Me Up | Use 25 items.
Presidential Library | Collect 300 items.
Raising the Deficit | Spend $10,000.
Roll Up Your Sleeves | Complete all Extermination quests.
Supply and Demand | Use 75 items.
Trailblazer | Discover 20 locations.
Treasure Hunter | Find 45 treasures.
Walk it Off! | Receive 2,500 damage in combat.
Who's Next | Defeat 250 enemies.
World Leader | Recruit all 40 citizens.