Action Replay Codes |
These are all the AR cheats i have for Golden Sun. Use them well:
(M) (must be on)
Max Coins
Debug Room 1
Debug Room 2
Enable Djinni
Earth Djinni-Isaac
Fire Djinni-Isaac
Wind Djinni-Isaac
Water Djinni-Isaac
Earth Djinni-Garet
Fire Djinni-Garet
Wind Djinni-Garet
Water Djinni-Gart
Earth Djinni-Ivan
Fire Djinni-Ivan
Wind Djinni-Ivan
Water Djinni-Ivan
Earth Djinni-Mia
Fire Djinni-Mia
Wind Djinni-Mia
Water Djinni-Mia
Isaac Inf HP
Isaac Inf PP
Isaac Max Lvl
Isaac Max Exp
Isaac Max AT
Isaac Max DF
Isaac Max AG
Isaac Max LK
Garet Inf HP
Garet Inf PP
Garet Max Lvl
Garet Max Exp
Garet Max AT
Garet Max DF
Garet Max AG
Garet Max LK
Jenna Inf HP
Jenna Inf PP
Jenna Max Exp
Jenna Max Lvl
Jenna Max AT
Jenna Max DF
Jenna Max AG
Jenna Max LK
Ivan Infinite HP
Ivan Infinite PP
Ivan Max Lvl
Ivan Max Exp
Ivan Max AT
Ivan Max DF
Ivan Max AG
Ivan Max LK
Mia Infinite HP
Mia Infinite PP
Mia Max Lvl
Mia Max Exp
Mia Max AT
Mia Max DF
Mia Max AG
Mia Max LK
Altmiller Cave |
When you get to the bottom floor where you have to turn the stones in sequence, use Reveal to see the stones in color. You do not have to memorize the sequence. This is also useful if you want to just walk by Babi, without listening to his long speech.
Barricade |
When you get to the barricade look to the left to see a box taller than Isaac. Use your Psyenergy to move it.
Colosso |
Once Issac is admitted into Colosso, if you lose any of the fights the first time you try, Isaac will wake up and it will be just before you began competing in Colosso. This only works the first time you fight in Colosso; otherwise you lose permanently.
If you lost in Colosso more than once you will still wind up in bed, and can re-enter the tournament. Also, your Psi points recover even when you are in a town.
In Colosso, choose your partner to cheer for you very carefully. They can use their Psynergy to help you get some of the useful items on your way to the arena. Also, you will have a much easier time going through the obstacles. You can use Halt to freeze the men who pull the levers to make the platforms move.
Crossbone Island (Early) |
When on the ship from Kalay to Tolbi, when asked to go get somebody to row, find a weak person first, strong second, weak third, and strong fourth. After the battle with the Kraken, you should arrive at Crossbone Island. |
Datenübertragung Für Golden Sun 2 [German] |
Wenn man das Spiel durchgespielt hat und gespeicherte Enddaten besitzt, so kann man im Hauptmenü (Fortsetzen, Löschen usw.) L + R + links halten und dann B drücken. Jetzt bekommt man einen neuen Menüpunkt.
Defeating Any Boss |
You only need two Djinn, Granite and Flash, to defeat any Boss in the game. Set them to any two characters. On the first turn, attack with everyone but one of these two. For example, Issac has Granite and Garet has Flash, Issac should use Granite, nearly nullifying all responding attacks. On the next turn, attack/summon/whatever with Ivan and Mia, but set Granite with Issac and use Flash with Garet. The next turn, set Flash again and use Granite. Repeat those steps until you win the battle. This makes your characters nearly invincible, with even the Fusion Dragon doing damages as little as 13 for its most powerful attacks.
Defeating The Thieves |
To defeat the thieves in Vault, use your Djnii and Psynergy frequently. Have herbs, etc. handy before the battle. Keep an eye on Ivan's HP.
Dijiin |
Make sure you set your Dijiin the way you want before a battle. If you know you are going to fight a lot of enemies, it would be a good idea to have your Dijiin ready to summon. If you are going to fight a small number of enemies you should not have it ready to summon. Use your Dijiin according to the element the person using the Dijiin excels at. Give Earth to Issac, Fire to Garet, Wind to Ivan, and Water to Mia.
Earth Djinn In Kolima |
You will see an Earth Djinn in Kolima being blocked by a fence. In order to go in, walk behind the tree and you will find the stairs. Cruise around until you find the stairs up. You will now be inside the fence ready to battle the Djinn.
Easy Experience |
Go to the Mars Lighthouse and look for Firebirds. One Firebird can give you as much experience as the battle with Saturos and Menardi (6,000 experience points). You can also look for some Phoenix, which can give you about 3000 experience points. Because they have low HP, this is the easiest way to gain experience.
Easy Experience And Gold |
Walk outside towns and battle monsters, but do not wander too far away. Use Herbs, Nuts, or anything else that cures your characters. When you run out of magic to heal or need to buy more Herbs, return to town. Go inside the inn or item shop and get cured. Note: You may want to do both. All the gold that you received from battle goes towards curing yourself, but is worth it since you will gain levels faster. Repeat those steps until reaching the desired level. Note: You may want to repeat this trick when you see a change of monsters levels.
When you run into a battle with any kind of Bee or Zombie monster, defeat all monsters but the Bees or Zombies. Then, just choose "Defend" until your screen is full with multiples of the same monster. The "Monster looks for allies" message will appear, then another of the same creature will appear. Once you get a maximum of six monsters on the screen, you can finish them off; or you can kill some and let the survivors multiply once again. Continue this process to get as many coins and as much experience as desired.
Easy Kikuichimonji (K-Sword) |
The Kikuichimonji, (K-Sword) is the rarest item in the game, and is the strongest weapon for Ivan.
For this cheat to work also, you MUST have your characters attack in this order:
Ivan, Mia, Isaac, Garet, and still have above 150 agility.
and you must be in the posetion of Torch, and Bane. (they must be set)
save the game in the first room in the Venus Lighthouse, the one with the psynergy crystal.
turn OFF you GBA system, and turn it back on.
now, the first battle you encounter should be a fenrir, and an ice gargoyle, it is essential that your party attacks first. If your party doesn't attack first, then turn your GBA off, and do this again.
Your characters attacks must be directed on the fenrir.
Your characters have to attack like this:
Ivan casts tornado;
Mia casts ice horn;
Isaac casts clay spire;
Garet casts flare wall.
now, it will go to turn 2.
Ivan defends;
Mia casts wish;
Isaac defends;
Garet unleashes Torch.
the fenrir will now flash, then die.
now, have all the party defend, exept for Isaac, and have Isaac use Bane.
The ice gargoyle will now die, and after the battle, you will be rewarded with a potion, and a Kikuichimonji!
I have done this cheat about 12 times, and it works every time.
Please, E-mail me if it doesn't work.
NOTE: the enemies CANNOT attack you before you kill the fenrir, otherwise it will f*** things up.
Eigene Namen Eingeben [German] |
Beim Namen eingeben, 3mal Select drücken, dann kann man Namen für Garet, Ivan, Mia eingeben. <br />
Dann nochmal folgendes drücken: <br />
Hoch, runter, hoch, runter, links, rechts, links, rechts, hoch, rechts, runter, links, hoch dann noch mal Select. Jetzt könnt ihr auch Namen für Jenna, Felix und Cosma eingeben.
Fighting Bosses Again |
Go to "Battle" at the menu, then talk to the lady at the counter. Answer "Yes" to battle a monster, then step into the circle.After a few rounds with battling, you should meet one of the Bosses from the game. Note: You must be level 16 or higher.
Finding Breeze The Jupiter Djinn |
When you get to Tret tree go to the very top floor. Thereat the bottom middle wil be a passage. Go through that door and climb the vine. Then go to the top branch. There will be the Jupiter Djinn Breeze. Note: Attach all djinn to the parties special unless otherwise.
Geheime Schatz Insel [German] |
In der 2. Wüste ist der Kopf einer Statue im Sand zu finden. Benutzt hier Enthüllung um einen mit Fussspuren besetzten Weg zu finden. Danach benutzt Enthüllung an der Schlucht um einen versteckten Baum zu finden, über den man drüber springen kann. (Hier findet ihr einen Mars Djinn) Geht durch die Höhle und am anderen Ende findet ihr einen Rosa farbenen Wirbelsturm. Geht hinein und lasst euch wegwehen. Nun taucht ihr auf der geheimen Schatztinsel auf. Ein kleiner Rätselspass mit vielen Goodies.<br />
<br />
Es gibt noch einen Weg wie man etwas eher auf die Schatzinsel gelangt: Wenn man mit dem Schiff über das Meer fährt, muss man Passagiere zum Rudern auswählen, wenn man hier fieserweise die Frauen auswählt (diese wehren sich anfangs), dann kommt das Schiff vom Kurs ab, und landet auf der Schatzinsel.
Get To Lunpa |
After you defeat the Collosus event in Tolbi and have the discussion with Lord Babi, go into the room that Babi entered. You will find a bedded Babi, and the Cloak Ball. Tell Babi that is what you want to "Borrow" (he will not ask for it back). He will "lend" it to you. Go back to Lunpa through the cave on its left by using Frost on the puddle below the door. Go to the frame with the two guards in it. Go to the far left side and use Cloak. Stay in the shadows or the guards will see you. Save your game frequently. When you reach locked doors with bushes beside them, use Whirlwind and then Reveal. When you reach a barred entrance with a key in front of you, use Catch. After you have defeated TOADonpa, go to the room with the women guarding a small cave entrance. Donpa will command her to step aside. In the room you will get Tonic, a water Djinni. Once back outside the cave, you can use Reveal on the rock in front of the entrance to the two guard frame. Use Frost on the puddle that appears and go across it. When you reach the end of the path/cliff, use Reveal again and press A on the sparkle. You will get some treasure. Make sure to stock up on the items that you can get in the weapons shop.
Glitch: Floating Isaac |
Go to Crossbone Island, then go in the tornado. Immediately press L or R to see Isaac floating.
Glitch: Paint The Enemy |
To paint the enemy you must use a djinni. Use the ones like Bane and scorch. All you have to do is kill the enemy with lets say Bane(the Venus djinni). If Banes strike kills you're foe,then it should go blue with flashing red squares and make the small monsters sound first and then the big monster sound(if it' a big monster) after that and die.
Helicopter Sound |
To make this sound go to status,and move any character to the left(press L) or right(press R). If you him/her to the right hold R, if you move him/her to the left hold L.The sound which is made is like a helicopter.
Herbs |
Carry plenty of herbs in dungeons. Even a small task in a dungeon can wipe you out. You will save more money by doing this than by having to revive one of your team members. You will also always have all your team members ready to fight.
Hint: Fleeing |
When you are in a battle with monsters, you have about an 85% chance of escaping if you select "Flee" immediately. This helps if you are on a mission.
How To Find Granite, The Venus Djinn |
In the Town of Kolima, walk behind the southernmost stump and press Down. You'll enter a secret room that leads to Granite, the Venus Djinn.
How To Find Sleet, The Mercury Djinn |
In the Mercury Lighthouse, look for five waterfalls. Enter the middle waterfall of the five to find Sleet.
Inns |
Use the inns whenever needed. Inns are your best and cheapest source to get healed quickly. Use them even for minor damage, or just to recover lost Psyenergy. Inns are inexpensive and efficient.
Ivan |
Keep close watch on Ivan's health. Ivan is the youngest of your group. He is only 15, while the others are all 17. He will get hurt faster. Give him more defensive equipment and less offensive equipment because he uses more Psyenergy than direct attacks.
1) Goma Cave (Exterior)
2) Sol Sanctum
3) World Map
Minispiel [German] |
Bevor ihr Tolbi betretet, solltet ihr die Stadt auf der Weltkarte dreimal umrunden und sie dann vom Süden betreten. Wenn ihr alles richtig gemacht habt dann findet ihr im Obergeschoss des Gasthofs ein Minispiel. Das ganze klapt nur wenn ihr die Stadt das erste Mal betretet!
Name All Party Members Plus Other NPCs |
While Naming Robin/Isaac, press Select 3 times. You will hear a ting and then will be able to name Garet, Mia, and Ivan.
To name Felix, Jenna, and Sheba, press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, and Select while naming Mia. You will hear another ting and will then be able to name those NPCs when you are through with Mia.
Namenswechsel [German] |
Wenn ihr im Startmenü 2x mal Select drückt, könnt ihr von den Spielern die Namen wechseln
Power Bread In Vale |
Return to Vale after Ivan joins your party and use Whirlwind to remove the bush behind the Store. You'll reveal a hidden cave that contains Power Bread. This item will permanantly boost one character's HP.
Psyenergy |
Use your Psyenergy wisely. You should not just use your Psyenergy at any time, because you will quickly run out. You should only use it when needed or when it will stop you from receiving considerable damage.
Rename Characters |
When prompted to enter a new name for Robin, press Select(3). Enter a new name for Robin, and you can now enter a new name for Gerald, Ivan, and Mary. Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Select to enter new names for the other remaining characters.
Return To Most Recently Visited Sanctum |
At the load file screen, press and hold L(shoulder),Start,and Select before loading the file. When the file is loaded, Isaac and company will be inside the most recently visited sanctum.
Send Option |
After finishing the game once, at the title screen, hold the R button and Left on the D-pad, then press start. A new option will appear on the right called 'Send''. This allows you to transfer your clear data to a Golden Sun: The Lost Age cartridge by either a password, or by using a GBA link cable.
Tempest Lizard |
After you return from fighting Dead Beard on Cross Bone Isle. Use the Red Tornado to warp to Suhulla. Then, go back to the desert and the Red Tornado should be back. This time use Douse and instead of a Tornado Lizard, the Tempest Lizard will appear.
The Rocks |
To move the second rock you use the move pho- whatever it's called. To get in the cave, you must use Whirlwind on the grass. (Goma Range Entrance).
Tret |
After you visit Bilibin and have talked to the Lord, you may be tempted to go through the cave that leads to Imil and Mercury Lighthouse. Do not do so. First, go to Kolima and Kolima Forest. Make it through the forest by moving logs and battling enemies. You will eventually meet Tret, the tree. After you talk to him, climb up the vines on Tret that are very easy to miss. Once in Tret, you will eventually battle him after exploring and puzzle solving. After defeating him, now go through the cave to Imil. You could beat Tret after you visit Imil, but you would have to go through the cave several times. After completing Mercury Lighthouse, fill the bottle that you got from Imil with the Water of Hermes. Then, go to Tret and give the water to him. He will then turn all of the persons who were trees back to people.
Go to the Mercury Lighthouse and get Mia before you go to Kolima Forest to defeat King Tret. This will save you a lot of time, and you need as much experience as you can get. You will find much at the lighthouse, because you will fight a Mimic and Saturos. To get the Water Of Hermes, take the empty bottle you should have and select "Use" directly at the front of the fountain at the foot of Mercury Lighthouse.
Unlimited Tobi Tickets |
Every time you make a purchase at a weapon or armor shop you get a ticket. To get a lot of tickets make a bunch of purchases, and sell them right back to the shop-keeper. You'll lose a little bit of money, but not much.
Unlock Battle Mode |
To unlock battle mode, save after you leave the city of Vale. A new option will appear on the option menu.
Use Reveal To Find Items |
Use Reveal to find items that are in boxes, ovens, jars, graves, etc. instead of wasting your time looking. Use Reveal near jars and other small storage objects. If you see sparkles off the object, it means there is an item inside.
Warp Back To Sahulla |
Use the following trick to warp back to Sahulla when one of the Tornado Lizard's storms catch you. Use any Psyenergy move besides the ones that heal you or douse. The storm will fly up in the air and land near by Sahulla.
Wo Finde Ich Die Djinn's? / Weltkarte / Charakterbeschreibung [German] |
Antwort auf alle Fragen im Golden Sun Spezial